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Coronavirus in Spain figures (13 July)

Latest: Coronavirus in Spain figures (13 August)

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Report below updated in Spain at 18.30h on Monday 13 July

CORONAVIRUS in SPAIN – latest Health Ministry figures

The latest official figure* released by the Spanish Health Ministry on Monday 13 July for the number of people who have tested positive for Coronavirus (Covid-19) is now 255,953. This is an overall increase of 2,045 against the figure released on Friday.

The figures show that there have been 6,535 cases of Coronavirus detected in the past 14 days. It also states that it is an increase of 164 new infections in the past 24 hours.

Friday had shown an increase of 333 new infections over Thursday. Thursday had been an increase of 241 over Wednesday. Wednesday had been 257.

Of the 164 new infections registered in the past 24 hours, 42 are in Catalonia (with 3,489 new cases there in the past 14 days), 32 are in Aragón (611 new cases in 14 days), 18 in Andalusia, 16 in Extremadura, 16 in Castilla La Mancha and 13 in Madrid.

The current peak of recorded infections for a 24-hour period in Spain was on 31 March, when 9,222 new cases were registered.

The Ministry of Health’s official figures* for Monday 13 July also now show that there have been a total of 28,406 Coronavirus-related deaths in Spain – an increase of 3 since Friday.

The current known peak of recorded deaths related to Coronavirus in a 24-hour period in Spain was on 2 April, when 950 deaths were registered.

A full breakdown in Spanish of the data per region, together with age group statistics can be found by clicking here.

Lleida home confinement overturned by judge

The Catalan government’s decree to impose tighter lockdown restrictions in the city of Lleida and seven surrounding municipalities in the county of Segrià is now up in the air after a local court ruled against the home confinement order on Monday morning. You can read the full report here: Court rules against home confinement ordered for residents in areas of Lleida

‘What is proposed today goes far beyond a simple limitation of movement and seriously affects constitutionally recognised rights,’ Judge Elena Garcia-Munoz Alarcos said in the ruling.

President of the Catalonia, Quim Torra, has said he cannot accept the ruling.

Catalan president Quim Torra
Catalan president Quim Torra in the Catalan Parliament on 8 July 2020. (Parlament.cat)

‘We cannot understand that there is bureaucratic obstacles in decisions that are taken for the health and life of citizens,’ Torra said. ‘It’s a luxury to lose time with legal resolutions. We cannot allow this.’

Torra asked for people in the areas of Lleida to stay at home, and that his government would adopt a new decree to try and solve any legal issues regarding the confinement order.

The Spanish government has currently ruled out implementing a new ‘state of alarm’ in order to control the new outbreak in Lleida.

With the end of the state of alarm on 21 June and the start of the ‘New Normality’, all regional powers that had been centralised were reinstated. Each of Spain’s regional governments now has to monitor and control the epidemiological situation in their area.

More regions to make face masks compulsory

La Rioja, Navarra, Aragón and Andalusia regions are now also set to make it compulsory to wear face masks in public spaces, indoors and outdoors, even when social distancing can be maintained, and following the measures taken in Catalonia, the Balearic Islands and Extremadura.

It has been reported that the region of Castilla y León is also considering making face masks compulsory.

The wearing of face masks is already compulsory in Spain, but only outdoors if social distancing cannot be maintained – with police having the power to fine citizens for not wearing them.

One of the temporary hospital wards
One of the temporary hospital wards that had been set up during the peak of the Coronavirus crisis at the Pavelló Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona. (Isaac Planella / Barcelona.cat)

It forms part of the measures within a royal decree that establish the guidelines that govern the New Normality. Wearing face masks is obligatory if a social distance of 1.5 metres cannot be maintained, with fines of up to €100 if it is not observed.

The new measures in the regions of Catalonia, Balearic Islands, Extremadura, La Rioja, Navarra, Aragón and Andalusia mean that both residents and tourists will have to wear a face mask at all times in public, regardless of the 1.5m social distance rule – except on the beach and at swimming pools, and except when the nature of the activity makes it incompatible, such as doing sport or exercise, or once customers are eating and drinking at bars and restaurants.

ALSO READ: Balearic Islands to also make face masks compulsory – except on beach

ALSO READ: Face masks to be compulsory in Catalonia – even with social distancing 

ALSO READ: Face masks to remain compulsory until vaccine found, under ‘new normality’

*Discrepancies in figures

Although the Health Ministry has now updated its official Coronavirus mortality figures following on-going discrepancies with the data released by some of the country’s regional health authorities – there are still huge differences in the ‘excess mortality’ figures published for this period in Spain.

Click here for full report: Spain’s ‘excess mortality’ during Coronavirus pandemic is over 43,000

Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) also recently published figures showing that the number of deaths for the first 21 weeks of 2020 have been 24% higher than for the same period in 2019 – based on information received from the country’s civil registries (1 January to 24 May). The number of deaths during this period for 2020 is 43,945 higher than in 2019.

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Spain has started its ‘New Normality’

After three months under a ‘state of alarm’ (since 14 March), Spain entered its ‘New Normality’ phase on Monday 22 June, following on from the government’s four phased plan to relax the country’s lockdown restrictionsCLICK HERE for all details: Spain’s ‘New Normality’ – key points

Click here for all previous reports on: Coronavirus in Spain

ALSO READ: Court rules against home confinement ordered for residents in areas of Lleida

ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (10 July)

ALSO READ: Balearic Islands to also make face masks compulsory – except on beach

ALSO READ: Face masks to be compulsory in Catalonia – even with social distancing 

ALSO READ: Area of Segrià in Lleida (Catalonia) in lockdown

ALSO READ: Spain-Portugal border re-opened

ALSO READ: USA, Russia and Brazil not on EU ‘safe list’ for non-essential visitors

ALSO READ: ‘New Normality’ decree approved as Health Minister warns ‘danger is still here’

ALSO READ: Spain decides not to impose quarantine measures on visitors from UK

ALSO READ: Belgian prince fined for breaking quarantine rules in Spain

ALSO READ: Face masks to remain compulsory until vaccine found, under ‘new normality’

ALSO READ: Spain prepares for national and international tourists … but will they come?

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