Latest: Coronavirus in Spain figures (15 Feb)
Also read: Details of curfews & restrictions for all regions during new ‘State of Alarm’
PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer updating the report below. Instead, please click here for all our on-going reports on: Coronavirus in Spain
For reference, you will still find below all the details of Spain’s four phase de-escalation plan. Please support Spain in English with a donation.
Final update in Spain on Sunday 21 June at 2am:
Spain’s four phases to lift lockdown restrictions – plus each region’s current status
This report is divided into four sections:
- ‘Four Phase’ plan – introduction
- The ‘phase status’ for each region – plus latest updates
- Rules and measures for each phase, regularly updated
- ‘State of alarm’ in Spain to date, plus latest travel restrictions
1. ‘Four Phase’ plan – introduction
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced his government’s ‘Plan for the Transition towards a new normality’ on Tuesday 28 April. It is currently taking place over four phases.
Sánchez said the plan to relax the restrictions would be ‘gradual, flexible and adaptive’. The de-escalation to ‘a new normality’ officially started on Monday 4 May and will last up to eight weeks, until the end of June.
On 3 June, the Spanish Congress voted to extend the ‘state of alarm’ for a sixth and final time until 21 June. The ‘state of alarm’ is in place whilst the country also continues with the plan of lifting lockdown restrictions.
The four phase de-escalation measures depend on the on-going progress across the different regions of Spain to combat Coronavirus.
Each region of Spain has been required to meet specific epidemiological criteria and maintain sufficient capacity in intensive care unit facilities, in case there is a sudden increase of infections again.
Each region has also been required to have the ability to carry out PCR tests on all suspected cases, as well as being able to isolate them and test all their contacts.
The government’s original plan was that each phase of the de-escalation would last for approximately two weeks. Phase Zero started on 4 May. Phase One started on 11 May for many regions and provinces. Phase Two started on 25 May.
Phase Three started from Monday 8 June for many regions – with 70% of Spain now in Phase Three from Monday 15 June.
The ‘new normality’ in Spain starts from 21 June onwards, after the ‘state of alarm’ ends. The whole region of Galicia is already moving to the ‘new normality’ from Monday 15 June.
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently preparing a separate report on the ‘New Normality’: what it is, what it means, and what measures are included. We will shortly post a link to the on-going report here.
In section 3 below, we summarise the main measures that are being relaxed across Spain during each phase. We update this information as and when any new measures are officially announced.

2. The ‘Phase Status’ for each Region
Spain has 17 Autonomous Communities (regions), each with its own ‘regional’ government. These regions are divided into provinces (although some regions are ‘one province’ regions). Each province is further divided into municipalities, each with its own local council.
If the Health Ministry states that citizens can only move within their province during the relaxing of restrictions (for example, during Phase One), it means between the municipalities of that province and not across the whole region.
From 21 June, all citizens will be able to move freely across and between all regions of Spain.
Meanwhile, some of the current restrictions apply to different healthcare zones. Unfortunately, we are unable to provide all details for your own precise area. Readers should check with their local authorities for further information on what is permitted and when, as the enforcement of measures might differ from one municipality to the next.

Latest ‘Phase Status’ for each Region
Madrid currently remains in Phase Two (since 8 June).
Madrid is the region that has been hit the worst by the Coronavirus pandemic. It had previously requested to move to Phase One for the whole region from Monday 11 May – and then again from Monday 18 May. On both occasions the permission was not granted. It finally moved to Phase One on Monday 25 May.
The issue became a political one – also see our report of 16 May. The Madrid regional government, which is controlled by the right-wing People’s Party (PP) in coalition with the centre-right Ciudadanos (Cs) has filed an appeal with Spain’s Supreme Court to investigate why the Health Ministry twice denied Madrid’s request to move to Phase One.

LATEST: Catalonia enters ‘New Normality’ from midnight – hours after Barcelona and Lleida entered Phase 3
The Catalan government’s plans have been to focus on moving healthcare zones through each phase, rather than overall provinces. This was permitted by the Health Ministry.
The healthcare zones of Camp de Tarragona, the western Pyreness (Alt Pirineu i Aran) and the Ebre region (Terres de l’Ebre) moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
The healthcare zones of Girona, Catalunya Central, Garraf and Alt Penedés move to Phase Three on Monday 15 June.
Barcelona city and its two metropolitan areas (north and south), as well as the area of Lleida remain in Phase Two.
ALSO READ: Barcelona enjoys Phase One, with parts of Catalonia in Phase Two (published 26 May).
Further details (in English) of how Barcelona city is adapting urban spaces and re-opening establishments during the relaxing of lockdown restrictions, plus all details about the rules concerning its beaches, can be found on the City Council’s website by clicking here.
Basque Country
The Basque Country has three provinces – Álava, Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa. The entire region moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Andalusia has eight provinces – Almería, Córdoba, Cádiz, Huelva, Jaén, Seville, Málaga and Granada. All areas are now in Phase Three.

Valencia region
Valencia region has three provinces – Valencia, Castellón and Alicante. The entire region is now in Phase Three.
ALSO READ: Valencia in English weekly round-up (14 June)
Galicia has four provinces – Lugo, La Coruña, Ourense and Pontevedra. The whole region has now moved to the ‘new normality’.
PLEASE NOTE: We are currently preparing a separate report on the ‘New Normality’: what it is, what it means, and what measures are included. We will shortly post a link to the on-going report here.
Castilla y León
Castilla y León has nine provinces – León, Burgos, Salamanca, Zamora, Soria, Valladolid, Palencia, Ávila and Segovia.
León, Burgos, Palencia, Valladolid and Zamora move to Phase Three on Monday 15 June.
Castilla La Mancha
Castilla La Mancha has five provinces – Guadalajara, Ciudad Real, Cuenca, Toledo and Albacete. All the regions is now in Phase Three.
Canary Islands
Canary Islands has two provinces – Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife. All the Canary Islands moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Aragón has three provinces – Zaragoza, Huesca and Teruel. All provinces moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Balearic Islands
Balearic Islands is a ‘one province region’, with four islands. The island of Formentera moved to Phase Three from 1 June. Mallorca, Ibiza and Menorca moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Extremadura has two provinces – Badajoz and Cáceres. All the region moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Asturias, Navarra, Cantabria, La Rioja and Murcia
These areas are all ‘one province regions’ and they all moved to Phase Three on 8 June.
Ceuta and Melilla
The cities of Ceuta and Melilla are located in North Africa. They both moved to Phase Three on 8 June.

3. The rules for each phase
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Rules that still apply from Phase Zero
To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the measures for Phase Zero published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here.
No area of Spain currently remains in Phase Zero – which was the ‘preparation phase’ for the de-escalation. It had also included allowing children out for daily walks and exercise from Sunday 26 April – and adults being allowed out for daily walks and exercise from Saturday 2 May.
Certain rules introduced during Phase Zero and the overall ‘state of alarm’ in Spain still apply:
Face masks & public transport
From Monday 4 May, it initially became compulsory to wear face masks on all public transport in Spain.
From Thursday 21 May, it then became compulsory to wear face masks in Spain in closed spaces (including shops and stores), as well as on the street and in public places, if a 2-metre ‘social distance’ cannot be maintained.
For the full details of the rules for wearing face masks, and exemptions to the rule, please see our separate report: Face masks compulsory in closed space and outside if not at 2-metre distance.
On public transport where all passengers have to be seated, no more than half of the seats should be occupied. On buses, the row directly behind the driver must remain empty.
On buses and metro carriages with standing space, the rule is that only half of seats may be used and there should only be a maximum of two standing riders per square metre.

Private vehicles
People are allowed to travel in a private vehicle with other people they live with in order to make purchases or visit establishments permitted to be open in the area they live in, and according to the phase that it is in.
Vehicles (with the capacity) are permitted to be occupied by up to nine people. However, If the occupants of a vehicle do not live together, a limit of one person in each row of seats applies, and they will have to wear face masks.
Time slots for walks & physical exercise
During Phase Zero, the government set time slots for when citizens could take walks in towns with over 5,000 residents (now changed to over 10,000 residents). Physical exercise (jogging, cycling, skating) was also allowed during set time periods, as long as it was practised ‘individually’.
Officially these time slots remain in place during Phase One in order to avoid crowds carrying out these activities – although some provinces have been relaxing the restrictions; please check with your local area.
During Phase One, in areas where it is permitted to visit establishments that are open (some shops, as well as restaurants and bars with terraces open at 50% capacity, for example), the time slots do not apply.
Please note that some regions have changed the time slots for when for children’s walks are permitted during Phase One, to avoid the hottest hours of the day. Children under the age of 14 can officially go outside between 12pm and 7pm during Phase One – as was the case during Phase Zero. From Thursday 28 May in Madrid (currently in Phase One), for example, this will change to between 10am and 1pm, and from 5pm to 9pm. The rest of the time slots – 6am to 10am and 8pm to 11pm for adults, and 10am to 12pm and 7pm to 8pm for senior citizens remain the same.
#UPDATE The Spanish government has now lifted the lockdown rules (from Wednesday 27 May) on exercise and walks for areas in Phase Two. Please see below.

Most beaches remained closed in Spain during Phase Zero, except for walking and running on the sand. Some coastal municipalities allowed people to swim, and use paddle and surfboards, as well as kayaks. The rules are different for each coastal region and municipality during Phase One and Phase Two. Please check with your local authorities.
New Rules for towns with up to 10,000 residents
Time slots for going for walks or exercise in towns with up to less than 10,000 residents have been removed. The rules were previously exempt for municipalities with less than 5,000 residents.
Phase One
What you can do in a Phase One area
To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the updated measures for Phase One that have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here.
Here is also a link to a 24-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the guidelines for Phase One.
Please note that regional governments have adapted some of these measures for their own specific areas:
The key measures for Phase One are summarised as follows:
- Up to 10 people can meet for social gatherings, either outside or in someone’s home (also at restaurant and bar terraces – see below), but social distancing measures must be respected between people who do not already live together
- Small businesses can open and serve customers, as long as health and social distancing measures are in place
- Restaurants, bars and cafés can open their outside terraces at 50% capacity
- Hotels and tourist accommodation can open, but communal areas must remain closed
- Places of worship can open at 30% capacity
- Non-professional sports are allowed for activities not involving physical contact or use of changing room facilities
- Outdoor markets can operate but the stalls must be set out with spacing between
- Cultural events for up to 30 people can be held indoors at 30% of the venue’s capacity
- Cultural events for up to 200 people can be held outdoors
- Museums can open at 30% capacity
- Funerals can be held with ‘limited numbers’ of mourners
- Timetables for taking walks and doing physical exercise remain in place to avoid crowds, although the regions will adapt them according to factors such as hot weather. We understand that people are allowed to visit establishments that are reopening at other times. This was already in place for certain shops and services (hairdressers, hardware stores etc) opening up for customers by appointment only
- Rural tourism (possibly forest walks and trekking) is also permitted during this period, yet it should be in limited groups and with the same social distancing measures for people who do not live together
- It is still compulsory to wear face masks on all public transport in Spain, whatever phase the region or province is in. It is also now compulsory (since 21 May) to wear face masks in Spain in closed spaces (including shops and stores), as well as on the street and in public places, if a 2-metre ‘social distance’ cannot be maintained (see above).
- The BOE also recommends that people continue to work from home where possible. If at a workplace, there should be a distance of two metres between employees. Arriving and leaving should be staggered.

Please also note:
- The official measures are that citizens must not travel from province to province, but travel within a province or healthcare zone is allowed.
- Whilst travelling within a province that is in Phase One, people are allowed to travel in a private vehicle with other people they live with and without restrictions. Vehicles (with the capacity) will be permitted to be occupied by up to nine people. However, If the occupants of a vehicle do not live together, a limit of one person in each row of seats applies, and they will have to wear face masks.
- Journeys in private vehicles within a province can be made for any of the activities permitted above (ie, they do not need to be only for essential items)
- Journeys to second residences and hotels are also allowed, providing they are in the same province. If they are in a different province, trips will not be allowed until towards the end of June.

Phase Two – started Monday 25 May
Pedro Sánchez referred to Phase Two as the ‘intermediate phase’. It started on Monday 25 May.
To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the updated measures for Phase Two that have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here.
Here is also a link to a 29-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the guidelines for Phase Two.
#UPDATE: The government has now lifted the lockdown rules (from Wednesday 27 May) on exercise and walks for areas in Phase Two. This is in effect to formalise what many families have been doing anyway.
From Wednesday 27 May, children living in Phase Two areas are able to go outside as many times as they wish, and without any restrictions on the time spent outside. Social distancing measures must still be maintained.
The new government order now lifts restrictions for both children and adults. All are allowed to go out for walks and practise individual sports (jogging, cycling), in any part of their province, island or healthcare zone, with no limit on time or distance. It also means that anyone living in a Phase Two area can also go to the countryside or trekking, as long as they remain within their province or healthcare zone.
There is still a time slot reserved for senior citizens from 10am to 12pm, and 7pm to 8pm. Each region can move this schedule by up to two hours to avoid the high temperatures. We have not received reports, however, that under-70s have not been allowed to exercise during these same times. We understand ‘common sense’ should prevail but please also check with your local authorities. At all times, social distancing must be maintained – and the wearing of face masks (see above) where 2-metre distancing is not possible.
Residents in Phase Two areas are able to go for walks and take exercise with up to 15 other people, including both parents in the case of families with children. But those who do not live together must maintain safe distances and hygiene measures.
What you can do in a Phase Two area
- For walking and physical exercise – all citizens under the age of 70 can take walks and exercise during the day (as updated above). The time slot of 10am to 12 noon and 7-8pm is supposed to be reserved for people aged over 70. Time slots only apply in municipalities with more than 10,000 residents.
- Up to 15 people can now meet for social gatherings, either outside or in someone’s home (also at restaurant and bar terraces – see below), but social distancing measures should still be respected between people who do not already live together.
- Up to 20 people can participate in nature tourism activities together.
- Citizens are allowed to move freely within their province (or island), including to their second homes.
- Shops and stores can open independently of their size, but with capacity limited to 40%. There should also be priority timetables for the over 65s.
- Restaurant and bars can now re-open their interior dining areas, apart from nightclubs and music bars, provided capacity is limited to 40%. Eating inside can only take place if sitting at a table, or groups of tables, and ideally via prior appointment. Self-service at a bar is not permitted. Terraces for cafés and restaurants will continue at 50% of capacity.
- Open-air markets are allowed with a third of normal stands.
- Hotels and tourist accommodations can re-open their common areas, provided capacity is kept to 30%.
- Cinemas, theatres, auditoriums and culture venues can re-open, provided that seats are pre-assigned and capacity is limited to 30%.
- Shopping centres can open. Capacity is limited to 40% within shops and 30% in communal areas.
- Casinos can open at 50% capacity.
- Open-air concerts are allowed, but the public must be seated, observing social distancing, with capacity at 30% and limited to 400 people.
- Recreational swimming pools can open at 30% capacity, but changing room showers cannot be used and social distancing must always be guaranteed.
- Professional sports leagues are allowed to resume, behind close doors and without spectators.
- Places of worship can have 50% capacity.
- Funerals can take place with a limit of 25 people if outside, and 15 people in closed spaces.
- Bullrings and open-air bullfighting installations can open, provided seats are pre-booked and capacity does not exceed 30% with a limit in all cases of 400 people.
Whilst schools across Spain will officially not open again until September, Sánchez also said that from Phase Two of the easing of lockdown measures, some institutions might be able to open to host some face-to-face activities with students. Again, this will depend upon the progress of each region.
The activities could include ‘reinforcement lessons’, students sitting university entrance exams, as well as ensuring that children under the age of six can go to school if parents have to go to work and have no one to leave their children with.
Where students do attend schools during Phase Two, the groups will be limited to a maximum of 15 students.

Phase Three – from 8 June
Phase Three is the last stage in the de-escalation plan before the ‘new normality’.
On Saturday 30 May, the Spanish government published in its Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) the full details of all the measures for Phase Three.
Here is also a link to a 22-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the guidelines for Phase Three.
Phase Three sees further measures relaxed, as well as allowing more flexible and free movement across Spain and between regions. The use of face masks remains compulsory (as above).
The main difference between Phase Two and Phase Three is the increase in capacity permitted at restaurants, venues and other public facilities. Also, the number of people allowed in social gatherings is 20 during Phase Three compared to 15 in Phase Two. Bars are also allowed to re-open in Phase Three, but with safety measures in place.
A key difference is also that regional authorities take control of the de-escalation process during Phase Three, and can also decide how long this last phase last.
Most importantly, the regional authorities for areas in Phase Three can allow free movement within their entire territories from Monday 8 June.
Galicia, Aragón, the Balearic Islands and Canary Islands have already stated that free movement will be permitted in Phase Three. (Please check with your own local authorities if you are in a Phase Three area).
What you can also do in a Phase Three area
- All previous establishments above that had been allowed to open with a third capacity during the previous phases are now able to increase to 50% capacity. Terraces can operate at 75% capacity. Standing in bars is also permitted but with a distance of 1.5m between customers.
- Nightclubs and music bars can open and operate at 30% capacity. Dancing is not permitted, however, as ‘when there is an area used for a dance-floor or similar in a venue, it should be used to install tables or groups of tables, and cannot be employed for its habitual use’, according to BOE.
- The communal areas of hotels can now be open at 50% capacity.
- Capacity in shops increases to 50%, as long as there is a minimum distance of 2-metres between customers.
- All other activities that were permitted in previous phases at 30% activity can now increase to 50%.
- Performing arts venues and music venues can open at 30% capacity. Cultural shows and events can take place with audiences of less than 80 indoors and 800 outdoors (seated).
- Theme parks can open with up to 800 people.
- Beaches also ‘officially’ re-open during this phase (as well as hotel communal areas, such as swimming pools) depending on the region and province. Security, health and on-going social distancing measures will still be put in place.
- Bullrings can re-open with pre-booked seats and without exceeding 50% capacity, and in all cases not exceeding 800 people.
We are currently preparing a separate report on the ‘New Normality’: what it is, what it means, and what measures are included. We will shortly post a link to the on-going report here.

4. ‘State of alarm’ & travel restrictions
On Wednesday 3 June the Spanish Congress voted to extend the current ‘state of alarm’ in the country until 21 June. It is the sixth and final extension.
Spain had originally commenced its lockdown for two weeks from 14 March, with measures that confined everyone to their homes apart from leaving to purchase food or medication, or to go to their place of work only if they could not perform their duties from home.
Travel restrictions & 14-day quarantine for international arrivals
LATEST: Spain open to EU visitors from 21 June (except Portugal), quarantine also lifted
ALSO READ: Spain prepares for national and international tourists … but will they come?
International travellers arriving to Spain will have to self-quarantine for 14 days, according to a new order published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) by the Interior Ministry.
The order came into effect on Friday 15 May. It will remain in place during of the ‘state of alarm’, currently due to end on 21 June.
During 14 days, international travellers arriving in Spain will have to stay at home or wherever they are due to lodge, and their movements will be limited to basic activities only, such as buying necessary products, for health reasons, or force majeure.
Those crossing the border into Spain will also be obliged to wear a face mask and comply with all hygiene and safety measures.
Cross-border workers, freight drivers, cargo workers, transport crew, diplomatic staff and health workers are to be excluded from this rule, as long as they have not been in contact with anyone diagnosed with Coronavirus.
All travel agencies and transport companies need to inform their clients of these measures before confirming the sale of tickets to Spain. Airlines will need to hand forms to passengers for details of where they will be staying, and these will have to be completed by travellers to Spain on arrival.

The order in the BOE also still restricts the entry to ports and airports to Spanish nationals, residents in Spain, and those who arrive for work reasons.
ALSO SEE (23 March): The new restrictions at Spain’s airports, ports and land borders
These restrictions come on top of those previously adopted at land borders with France and Portugal and the restrictions on the entry of travellers at external borders (originating in countries from outside the Schengen area) at ports and airports.
The Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) states that from midnight on 15 May, only the following may come into ‘national territory at internal borders through ports and airports’:
- Spanish citizens.
- Residents in Spain, accrediting their primary residence.
- Cross-border workers.
- Healthcare professionals or those who look after the elderly to exercise their labour activity.
- Those people who can show documentary evidence of causes of force majeure or a situation of need.
Foreigners duly accredited as members of a diplomatic mission or those who come to Spain on ‘exclusively work-related grounds, provided that they can show documentary evidence’, may also gain access through these borders.
Furthermore, it states, in order to ensure the continuity of economic activity and to preserve the supply chain, these measures will not apply to ‘the transport of goods, including the crew of maritime vessels, in order to guarantee the provision of maritime transport services and fishing activity, and the aircraft personnel necessary to carry out commercial air transport activities’.
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Nicola Sturgeon should be told to butt out of Spanish Independence affairs in Catalonia. It is none of her business and she does not have permission from the UK Prime Minister to hold such meetings.
Thank you Nigel for sharing with us your kind and thoughtful spirit. Your comment has nothing whatsoever to do with the article, but anyway it is always a pleasure to be exposed to the bullying, aggressive, hateful and controlling mentality of the right wing…
Thanks for the above. I’d read in Spanish that phase 1 began on Monday 11th not 10th. Or has this changed? I’ve looked at other sources and can’t find mention of the 10th. Thanks!
Thank you, Helen. We are aware that it is somewhat confusing, as the dates vary in most media – some publish 10 May, others 11 May. From what we understand, the Phase Zero ends at midnight on Sunday 10 May, and therefore the measures permitted in Phase One really commence from Monday 11 May onwards – but depending on the region, they could also be applied during 10 May. This could all change after the debate and vote being held today (Wednesday). It is a moving target … Stay safe!
I am very sorry dear spanish friends, but You have the most stupid government in the Europe. Such a shame to behave with the people like this . I saw the brutality of the police in Your country … this behaviour does not belong to the Europe in the 21 century . We are not in Chili during the Pinochet dictatorship…
Have nice day
Radek Prague, Czech Republic
Hi we are booked to fly from the UK to the Canary Islands on the 19 June for weeks stay in Lanzarote can you confirm that this will not be possible under your 4 phase rule
Hi Mr Barrett – we do not yet have official information regarding international travel to Spain during June onwards, other than for Spanish nationals and residents. As soon as we have it, we will publish it.
Hi great content and information
Just wondered no mention about golf courses.
Any info?
Thank you, Martyn. At the moment in Spain (yet depending on the region) all sports facilities remain closed – as you’ll see under the ‘Physical Exercise’ section in Phase Zero. There are exceptions for professional sports. Golf clubs are included in the sports facilities category. We expect this to change in the next Phase. Hope this helps for now.
I live in Granadilla and am an avid SCUBA diver is there any news on permission to dive
Hi David. Some municipalities are already allowing water sports and activities. Scuba diving might already be permitted where you live. Please check with your local authorities.
Yes but you need to wear a mask when under water for longer than 20 minutes
Please can you clarify something that’s confusing me! When we’re in Phase 1, do we still have to restrict ourselves to going out for a walk as in Phase 1? I’d like to drive to the coast (within the same region) and walk on the beach during the day, will that be permitted or are we still restricted to driving for essentials such as food and medicine?
Hi Anne. Once your region is in Phase One, it is expected that you will be able to meet with friends and family within one same province of it, but not necessarily across the whole region. We believe that restrictions for driving will be further relaxed to include going to businesses (including restaurants and bars) that have been permitted to open with reduced capacity – and not just for essential goods. Walking on beach is already permitted in some provinces and municipalities. As soon as we have more information, we will publish it. Hope this helps for now.
I meant to say as in Phase 0.
when can we work in the neighboring province, as only 8 kms from boarder and work the other side?
the accesor says we can but everything i have read says no!
Hi Pablo. In Phase One restrictions are being lifted in order to allow people to visit friends within the same province. Depending on where you live, it might be that you are also allowed to visit a neighbouring province. Please check with your local authorities.
Thank you for all info. What I’m missing though, when can we travel out of Spain and into the rest of Europe? By car, train, air… I want to go to France, Belgium and the Netherlands by car.
Thanks, Chantal. At the moment there are still restrictions on travel. Please refer to this report: If you travel to another EU country by car but then want to return to Spain, you might need to prove Spanish nationality or residency status. There are restrictions in place all over Europe, not just Spain. There are also very few flights. As soon as there are further details announced, we will publish them.
Is it true that if we a non-national residents in Spain, that we cannot travel out of Spain to our home country if our vehicle has Spanish plates.
We are not aware of that specific rule, Chris. Assuming you are referring to possibly driving through France, then it might be that France has decided to introduced the same 14-day self-quarantine measures that Spain has just introduced, for people entering their country. There are a great deal of restrictions for travelling across Europe right now.
When can private rental villas reopen
We don’t have information on this yet. However, we suspect that the business of offering private villa rentals during the early months of this summer might be restricted to Spanish nationals and residents here, and not international visitors who aren’t already here. When we have further information, we will publish it.
Thank you this is very helpful information. Is there any further developments on travel for UK citizens to Spain, particularly Ibiza? I have a villa booked from 22 – 26 June and our flights have just been cancelled but the villa are not keen to negotiate rebooking as they believe all will be fine then.
Hi, Lydia – thanks for your comment. On Saturday, the Spanish prime minister announced that Spain would be ready to welcome international tourists from 1 July: ( However, the Balearic Islands (to include Ibiza) have already been ahead of the main peninsula in their progress and ‘phases’. We believe that restrictions could be lifted for travelling to islands before the end of June – but it is not certain yet. Hope this helps for now. Please support us if you possibly can:
Hi. Are private villa rentals open already in Majorca and if so what restrictions are there? I don’t mean necessarily for international visitors as I know they are not permitted to enter but eg if a resident in Majorca wanted to rent a holiday villa in Majorca, are private villa rentals open at all?
Are we restricted to the time slots we currently have for walking/exercise if we want to go to the outside bar from Monday?
We imagine that time slots for walking and exercise would change during Phase One for areas where outside bars and terraces are open – but it is not yet official. We know that the government is currently studying change the timetable for when children can go for walks, because of the higher temperatures now. We publish more information when we have it!
Thank you for all the information clear and easy to comprehend.
I live in the Xative health area which is in the Valencia province but the Xativa and ontinyent health area… ( are in phase 1..) and as Valencia wants to remain in phase 1 at the moment…..Can i travel from Xativa to Valencia …same province , but??
I know that movement between provinces is restricted, but is it allowed for work purposes. My base is at the edge of one province and my clients are split between 2 or 3 provinces
We imagine that it will depend on the nature of your work (and in what region you are in). Up to now, those employed in essential services and also those who have been unable to work from home and/or have needed to go to their workplace, have been allowed to do so in some regions. We think that people will be allowed to travel from province to province for individual work purposes during Phase One, but not for large group meetings. Nothing new has been announced yet. We will update when we have new information. Thanks for following us and please consider supporting us! (
Thanks for your reply. My work is individual appointments, so no large groups and some can be done from home, but some can’t.
Hi –, thanks for your detailed and clear reporting. I’m trying to find out if I can return to Spain as my partner is resident there. We’ve been in something of a commuter relationship over the last 18 months but now I’m retired it was meant to be the point we got back together permanently. But I cant see that I fit any category to get into the country. Any thoughts?
Thanks, Tim. You are probably one of many in similar situations and waiting to return to Spain. From what we understand at the moment there are still restrictions on travelling across many countries in Europe. We published this report on 23 March ( when Spain issued new restrictions at its borders, officially only allowing Spanish nationals or those with residential status to come backwards and forwards. We are not sure if this is still being observed 100% – and either way, it should certainly start to relax towards the end of June. Depending on what your nationality is, we advise you to contact that nation’s embassy or consulate in Spain, or the Spanish Embassy where you are living. Hope this helps for now – if and when we have more information regarding travel, we will publish it. (PS – please consider supporting us if you can:
Hi, thank you for incredible article that made me understand better situation related to covid-19 restrictions ans phases.
I have a question and hope to get an answer.
I’m a foreigner( Croatia ) who is at Torremolinos, I’ve spend whole winter here because of health problems I cannot handle high or low temperatures.
ow here in Torremolinos the heat is coming and there are also no heated swimming pools working that could help with my condition.
Since I still cannot travel back to Croatia I found a possible solution here in Spain, there are couple of locations that have mild climate even during the summer.
One of them I found is San Sebastian, I also found other place named Coruna.
The question I have, is it possible to travel to San Sebastian for someone who is in Malaga region?
And also if you know some other place in Spain with mild climate during the summer time?
As I mentioned before, I cannot be on low and high temperatures, it increases dramatically my neauropathy.
Thank you in advance,
Niko Grba
new to spainenglish, friends say ‘it’s a must’
Many grey areas. I live inland in the Alicante province. I also have an apartment on the coast around 12km away. Under the initial phase 1 proposals I cannot travel to check on this second property. If however I had friends or family living there it would be ok to visit them!
Your report whist comphensive in most areas I would like more detail of the preferential times for the elderly I live in the municipality of Alicante in Valencia
Can anybody tell me that is our town will be in phase one too I live in small town tona… tona is near vic city I need to know please tell me
We live in a small place 7km away from Elche. Your article reads:”However, in smaller towns and where a certain item is not available, trips to nearby areas are permitted.”. Where can I find this in the Spanish Bulletin? (if I get stopped by the police). And how far is a “nearby area”?
The article has been updated many times. Please refresh your browser and your question might be answered.
This report has been updated many times, with details of new measures. Please refresh your browser and you might find that any questions you currently have are answered for now. We hope the information is useful and we thank you all for following us. If you are able to also support us with a small donation, we would be most grateful:
Thankyou, great information
Hi Guys congratulations on a clear and concise site. Are you sure that bars can reopen ..the BOE only mentions hosteleria and restaurants. Previous BOE have specifically mentioned Bars alongside the other two, yet this one does not, I have yet to find a translation of hosteleria that would include bars…Thanks
Thanks for your comments, Stephen. From our research and investigation, it definitely includes ‘bars’ that have outside terraces. Restaurants, cafeterias, bars – any ‘hosteleria’ that can serve people outside. From what we understand, even bars that do not normally have terraces but can provide ‘barrels’ and stools outside (with permission from their local council), and with the relevant spacing between other seating – will be allowed to open at 50% capacity. Customers will not be allowed to go inside the premises or use washroom facilities (from what we understand). Also, please bear in mind that many cafés in Spain serving coffee and ‘breakfasts’ in the mornings become ‘bars’ later on – so there isn’t really a distinction between ‘cafés’ and ‘bars’ within ‘hosteleria’. There is also a great interest all-round to keep businesses alive – so as along as the ‘bars’ can provide outside seating and follow the rules, there should be no issues. That is OUR take on it. Please check with your local authorities. And please support us if you can! …
HI and thanks for all your reports on this situation! I understand most of the rules, but there is one thing I can’t see anywhere. From Phase 1 we are allowed to travel together in a car, but are we allowed to go into a supermarket together or is it still an individual activity please? Thanks in advance 😀
The report has been updated with regards travelling by car anywhere. Going to a supermarket is no longer an individual activity – just follow the rules of who is in the car. If you live together, there are no restrictions. If you don’t live together, then face masks are required for passengers – and one passenger per row. Hope this helps!
Thanks for your information.
It isn’t made clear anywhere if residents can travel from Menorca to a second home in Mallorca. The reports say that residents are able to move within a province, which these two islands are classed as.
We have sold our second home in Mallorca and need to travel there to pack up the contents.
We would appreciate some clear guidance. Thanks in advance.
Hi Suzanne – from what we understand, people are still not permitted to travel between islands in Las Baleares except for work or medical reasons. We think that this might be relaxed further during Phase Two, perhaps. It isn’t stipulated anywhere officially, as far as we know – but we found this report from another newspaper that might help you: Hope this helps for now.
Thank you for your clear information.
Are two people from the same family allowed to go on a motorbike together?
If in a Phase One area, our understanding is that two people who live together can now go on a motorbike together, yes. We suggest you carry proof of that fact. Hope this helps!
Hang on! As of 11May we can walk to the shops or to the café any time they’re open but we have to stick to the time slots to go for a walk. Nonsensical!
It’s not really nonsensical. Timetables for taking walks and doing physical exercise remain in place to avoid crowds. Many towns have also created two-way walking and jogging routes (especially in municipalities with promenades) to further avoid crowding. Yes, people are allowed to visit establishments that are reopening at any times – but we imagine the aim is for them to try avoid those using exercise routes.
So, in phase one, exercising away from specified “routes” (i.e. alone on rural roads or rural hiking trails) would be allowed since it’s avoiding crowds, and is more akin to “rural tourism”?
My wife and I are seperated to the children live with her. Can I now visit them and can either of them come back and stay with me?
Also may be a silly question but where can you get masks from please?
Hi John, with regards visiting one another – it all depends what region and province you all live in. You should be able to check the ‘phase status’ and then know whether you can visit, or whether you need to wait. Face masks can be acquired from local pharmacies and even many supermarkets now, too, we believe. They were also being handed out at public transport hubs. Good luck with everything.
I am on the border of Almeria and Granada provinces, but physically in Granada province (still level 0). Our nearest big supermarket is Mercadona in Adra (Almeria province). There are certain essential items (such as distilled water required for solar batteries, and other items) which are not available at the smaller shops in reasonably close proximity within Granada province. Am I allowed to go to Mercadonna to get these items? The alternate is travelling to Motril or Salobrena, whereas, Mercadona is 15 minutes drive for me. Your answer would be appreciated.
Hi Brian – we’re sorry but we really can’t advise you on this, other that to say that we feel you should stick to the rules stipulated for the province in which you live and have your official residency status. Other than that, we suggest you consult with your local authorities and contacts in your area.
We are in phase 1 in Spain is it allowed to see your grandchildren?
Hi Anne – from what we understand, if you are living in a Phase One area and your grandchildren also live in that same province, then you are allowed to see them (please see the details above about ‘Up to 10 people can meet for social gatherings etc’). We would advise that social distancing measures should be followed if you have not had direct contact with them during the lockdown up to now. Best wishes to you.
Can you clarify the difference between these Phase 1 regulations (quoted from above):
a) “Timetables for taking walks and doing physical exercise remain in place to avoid crowds”
b) “Rural tourism (possibly forest walks and trekking) is also permitted during this period”
If I walk from my house, which is in a rural area, to a forest or a river, is that restricted by time under regulation (a) or can I go at any time under regulation (b)? What is the legal difference between (a) and (b)?
From our understanding, ‘physical exercise’ (jogging, cycling, skating etc) in a Phase One area is still only allowed (probably better to say ‘recommended’) during set hours in order to avoid crowding. We agree this is a bit odd if one can also walk, cycle or jog to a terrace bar that might be open, and at any time! Assuming you are in a Phase One area, if you want to do rural tourism, we assume that you could do so at any hour – but please understand that this is just our interpretation of the rules. As we have stated many times in the report: please check with your local authorities if in doubt. Sorry we can’t be more specific.
Phase 1: If I do “rural tourism” on my bike within my health region then it’s allowed?
Yes. We understand that it is, but you should also check with your local authorities.
Would you please provide a link to the official communication regarding usage of private vehicles in areas still in Phase 0?
Here it is: If you can, please also support us:
Where are the DETAILED maps of the boundaries of each health region?
The general maps in the public domain are not detailed enough to plan routes remaining within a specific health region. Naming the municipalities is a help but is still not specific enough to avoid inadvertently straying in to an adjoining health region and thus breakjng the restrictions currdntly in force.
I live in Alcossebre which is in the Vinaros healthcare zone, we moved to Fase 1 on the 11th May enabling us to drive within this zone, tomorrow the 18th May Castellon moves from Fase 0 to Fase 1, could you please clarify if I will now be able to drive into the Castellon healthcare zone, although not essential I would like to purchase some more paint of a particular brand/colour which is only available in Bricomart Castellon. Thankyou.
Thank you for your comment, Malcolm, but we are unable to answer with such precise details for each area across Spain. We wish we could, but we don’t yet have the resources! Perhaps there are other readers from your area who can help you – and if not, please consult with your local authorities.
Spain seems to have been very hard on the fit, over seventies, with no exercise time allowed at all. I over winter in Tenerife and cycle as much as I can to keep me fit and active and to control my weight and lift my mood. In Adeje, all and sundry now seem to be going out whenever they want, to do whatever they want, with no adherence whatsoever to the time slots allocated. Can you please give me a definitive answer to the position now, in phase 1, and the future position in phase 2, in regard to any exercise period being allocated to the over seventies age group.
Many Thanks…
Hi Alex – we don’t interpret the restrictions as there ONLY being a time slot for the over-70s to go out for exercise. If anything, the original walking time slot reserved for over-70s (and those needing to be accompanied) was initially set up to prevent younger adults being out at the same time, but not vice versa with regards physical exercise. If you feel fit enough to exercise at the times that all other people are exercising (and good for you!), then there shouldn’t be a problem at all. Please note that this is OUR interpretation of it all – but if you have further doubts, then please also consult your local authorities.
would i be correct in my calculations to assume that i will be ok to travel to majorca from the 20-07-2020 going by the phase 4 being the last phase.
I was going to travel on the 28-06-2020 but that is still in phase 4?
or am I have read how the phases work
thankyou R.V.Taylor
Hi, Robert. There isn’t a Phase 4. By the end of June, the Spanish government hopes that the country will be back to a ‘new normality’. We believe that you will (hopefully) be able to certainly travel from 20 July – and you might even be able to do so by 28 June. The Balearic Islands seem to be moving phases faster than the rest of the peninsula – at least Formentera has. We hope this helps. Please also support us if you possibly can:
I would like to travel home on May 28 or May 29. I work on Maltese flag merchant ship and I will be in Santa Cruz de Tenerife on May 27 with the ship. I’m a resident of Turkey and my passport is non EU. My question – Is airline flight allowed from Canary islands to Turkey for seafarer from ships to be repatriated home outside of EU?
In Phase One, the timetable for walks and exercise is still in place – but is the restriction on staying within municipality for exercise? Can I cycle over the line?
In Phase One, we understand that you can exercise anywhere within your province, as long as you respect the measures for social distancing, and getting there (if driving). Cycling shouldn’t be an issue. If still in doubt, however, please check with your local authorities. Hope this helps! Please support us if you possibly can:
Hi…big thanks for the guide. Really really helpful.
We are in Malaga and now in Phase 1. Can we drive to the coast 7km away within Malaga province to exercise?
Would appreciate your interpretation.
Our understanding is that you can travel in the car to do that, yes, as it is within the same province. You must respect the rules for passengers and face masks, as outlined above, however. Also carry your documentation with you, too. Hope this helps! Please support us if you can:
Hi everyone, this is my first ever post, my enquiry is that I’m hoping to be moving to my new home in Spain that I bought in March, just before the lockdown.
I’m currently living in rural France, but with my house almost sold I’m uncertain about the freedom of driving across the French/ Spanish border.
I’ve read of fines and people turned back.
I’ll be travelling down with my 2 English cocker spaniels, it’s around 8 hours to the border, then another 6 hours to my new home in Murcia.
I’m reading and listening to news everyday but I’m not certain of the situation.
I’ve also heard that a resident permit is also needed.
I’m hoping that someone can give me some advice.
Thank you for reading.
Stay safe
Hi Harry – your journey ahead sounds fun. At the moment, we understand that entry to Spain is only open for Spanish nationals or those with official residency status in Spain, at least whilst the ‘state of alarm’ is in force. There are other ‘force majeure’ reasons but you will have to check if any apply to you – please refer to the ‘travel restrictions’ section above (under ‘lockdown to date’). Other than this, we can only suggest you contact Embassy or Consulate channels. Hope this helps for now – please support us if you can:
Hi, thank you for all the good information. I’m over seventy and have underlying health problems and I assume I can’t go out yet, not even for exercise. Is this correct? Many thanks, Mary.
Thank you, Mary. Even if you are living in a Phase Zero area, you are allowed to take walks between 10am and 12 noon and between 7-8pm – but it is recommended that you should be accompanied, where necessary. If you have underlying health problems, we do recommend that you should have someone to accompany you. Stay safe and well.
can you tell me if there are any restrictions special advise for the over 65s for gatherings and meetings in general
Hi Phil – if you are in a Phase Zero area, then you are advised to only go for walks between 10am and 12 noon and between 7-8pm, apart from shopping for essential items. If you are in a Phase One area, then there isn’t really an age restriction for you to do all the things that others can do – meet up in groups of up to 10 people, and also go to outside terrace bars and cafe if they are open, as long as you stick to the social distancing rules. We hope this helps.
Thank you to everyone leaving comments here. We are a small team and our policy is that we will reply when we can, yet only if we really feel that we can add value or genuinely answer your question. Sometimes, if we feel that the answer to your query can already be found within the report, or that you are asking us something that is too precise and local to your own area (where we do not have the local knowledge or expertise), then we’re sorry, but we probably can’t help – and it would be better if you check with your own local authorities. Thanks and stay safe, and please support us, too, if you possibly can:
We are in phase one here in northern Catalunya but it is difficult to determine if cycling / mountain biking alone is permitted outside the allocated time slots – for me 6 am-10 am and 6 pm to 11 pm. Can anyone clarify the situation? I have seen a few mountain bikers riding along the beachfront outside of these time ones at other times of the day.
Unfortunately my father passed away in Murcia region at the end of April.
Obviously I have not been able to travel to sort his affairs as yet.
Do you have any information on when I may be able to travel into Spain and move around in order to sort everything out without being quarantined for two weeks.
We are very sorry to hear your news, Gareth. It might well be that you are already allowed to travel to Spain in order to sort out affairs – as it could be regarded as special circumstances, or ‘force majeure’. Assuming you are a British national, we suggest that you contact the British Embassy or Consulate in Spain (perhaps even for the Murcia region) in order for them to guide you on what you are permitted to do, and whether they can assist. If you are unable to find the right numbers to call, let us know. Best wishes.
Hello great article, im currently living in Spain, San Seb and we are about to enter phase 2. Good news!! One thing im still unclear of, is the freedom of movemnt of people through the phases. Will the timings or restrictions change? Are we still limited to the amount of hours we can spend outside, apart from going to work and back etc. claro. Thanks. Ben 33
Thanks, Ben. All details are now in the report. Please support us if you can:
I have a builder ready to make some improvements to my apartment that is currently unoccupied, the work has been on hold during the lockdown. In which phase is he allowed to start work?
Construction work has been allowed to continue during the lockdown, as long as those working don’t come into contact with residents or office workers in the building they are working on. It was only during the period of 30 March until after Easter when construction workers were not allowed to work. Please see the section 4 in the report ‘state of alarm’ to date. Hope this helps. Please support us if you can:
We have a holiday home in la zenia Alicante , when can we travel to that as it’s been unoccupied since January and we’d like to go and check on it
It depends on where you want to travel FROM to Alicante. If from within Spain, you will have to wait until you can travel from province to province (or region to region) – please see the Phase guidelines in the report. If you would be arriving from another country, and in order to avoid a 14-day self-quarantine, then not until after the ‘state of alarm’ ends. This is currently in place until 7 June – but we understand that travel restrictions could still be maintained until 15 June or 1 July. Hope this helps. Please support us if you can:
Helpful information – thanks a lot.
I want to know if buses are working and we can travel by bus to meet someone please answer
Yes, buses are working. Please see details under Phase Zero onwards for public transport.
We are in phase one
Málaga remains in Phase 1 we are told. Well, I live in Málaga, (the province), and I was able to sit outside eating and drinking in local bars/cafes last week. Finding a source of information that coicides with reality is not at all easy.
During Phase One, you are allowed to sit outside eating and drinking – as long as the restaurant or bar is keeping its terrace to 50% capacity, and that 2-metres between tables is maintained.
We are in phase one right now I wanted to ask if seguridad social offices are open and are clothes stores are open?
We are in phase 2 now but are we still limited to only walking 1 kilometre radius of home and can we now drive somewhere to have a walk? Thanks
If you are in a Phase Two area, walking restrictions have now been lifted. You can also drive to take a walk within your own province. If you are driving with a passenger who does not live with you, they have to wear a mask. Please follow all other guidelines in report. Hope this helps! Pleas support us if you can:
We returned from our leased house in Spain in March as the lease of our house in London was coming to an end.We were then intending to return to Spain,however,Coronavirus took over.We need therefore to return to Spain as we now have no house in London.
We have been told by friends in Spain that we are able to enter by presenting our NIE Certification and also our property Lease.We would intend flying into Gibraltar then crossing the border into Spain or if easier flying into Malaga.
Would our circumstances fall into the category of being an exceptional circumstance as we no longer have our place in London?
Hi Colin. It would be important to know what type of NIE certificate you have (there are two types) – as it would have to be one that proves you actually have Spanish RESIDENCY status. Simply showing that you have leased a property in Spain would not be enough. If you don’t have a NIE residency certificate, we don’t believe your circumstances would currently be considered as ‘force majeure’. We also can’t guide you on what restrictions you might encounter flying to Gibraltar and then trying to drive to Malaga without official residency status – sorry. At the moment, we think you would be regarded as international visitors. The only thing we can say, however, is that the Spanish authorities are trying to speed up the relaxation of restrictions for international visitors. They have already confirmed this will change from 1 July, but we also understand that they are looking at bringing it forward – possibly to the middle of June (we are actually planning a report on this later today). We hope this helps for now. Please support us if you possibly can:
I live in Malaga province. I understand that Ivan go fishing now. However the nearest location I can fish within the province is 50+Kmart away. Can this be considered a justified journey
Your comments state that the time slots for the elderly are not exclusive now and that anyone under 70 can go out any time.
However, the link you give to the official guide to Phase 2 states that under 70s can go out for exercise at any time except from 10 to 12 and 7 to 8 pm which are reserved for the elderly.
Thank you for the comment. We worded it as such because from what we have witnessed and had reported to us, not allowing under-7os to exercise from 10-12 noon and 7-8pm during Phase Two has not been enforced. At least, we have no reports that it has been enforced. However, it is good that you have pointed it out – thank you – and we will amend our text slightly.
As a tourist can we travel by car from malaga to alicante?
At the moment, no.
I’m currenty in Spain, and i need to fly back to my home country, to do that i need to go to another province, do i need any permission or something like that to travel to different province exclusively to return to my home country?
My wife and I live in Calpe and are both over 70. Now we are in phase 2 are there any restrictions on our age group that are not the same as the rest of the community? We would like to invite friends to our house, is this permitted?
As far as I can see the only mention of the over 70’s is the exercise time-slots, which have been in place since Phase 1.
I think you’re allowed to bring your friends to your place.. Not more than 10 of you in total i think.
Hi. Can you please advise whether holiday villas were permitted to open to guests on 23rd May and what any restrictions would have been? Not necessarily regarding international visitors but to anyone- eg someone in Majorca who was going to stay in a holiday rental elsewhere in Majorca? Thank you.
Sorry this wasn’t supposed to be a reply to an existing post but a new comment!
We are looking at Traveling in September to Cambrils. Do you think all will be safe to travel by then?
Do you know when you can hold a party without social distancing? I am assuming that we could have a party on Friday 26th June for 150 in a garden (Andalucia) as deescalation would be over?
Will it be allowed for tourists to travel from Almeria to Malaga from 8 of June?
We are a UK family of 4 (2 adults, 2 children) and have a ferry booking Bilbao to Portsmouth (UK) for 17 June. Are we allowed to drive from Alicante to Bilbao on 16 June 2020 to catch our ferry?
Mi abuelita had a stroke just before corona restrictions started and we havent been able to visit her since. I’m coming from the US and am hoping to get some info as to when hospitals in Catalunya will allow visitors to non-Covid patients.
Are people allowed to have parties 20-30 people in 1 house without any protective masks etc
children under the age of 14, what time to go walk out , province Alicante
When can I travel from ALGECIRAS through Spain to Caspe?
Hi – When will the residents of Madrid be allowed to leave Madrid. E.g. if we wants to travel to Barcelona on 27th June, will this be permitted? Also will there be any conditions to travel out of Madrid to another city? Thanks
I understand that it is STILL the case that under the current rules that I cannot give two of my friends ( we all live in different separate homes in Spain) a lift in my four seater car together to go shopping . Can anyone clarify the situation for me because this area seems a bit unclear, and I have no wish to get caught being naughty ?
Thanks in anticipation of sensible replies.
Could I enter Spain on July 10 on a flight originating in New York. I own a property in Costa Blanca, have a Bulgarian passport and green Spanish Residency card. My spouse has a US passport but no Spanish resident card. We have our marriage license translated and notarized in Spanish.
We have a holiday villa booked for 2 weeks in Catalunya in August. There will be 12 people, 6 couples staying in the house. What are the rules about people from different households staying in one house.