7th February 2025
Sitges News

‘Sitgestiu’ festival kicks off its cycle of classical music concerts in ‘El Racó de la Calma’

El Racó de la Calma in Sitges is one of the most emblematic areas in the town, and once again it is the perfect setting for a cycle of concerts as part of the Sitgestiu summer cultural festival that runs through July and August.

There are classical concerts on Wednesdays 5, 12, 19 and 26 July – all scheduled in conjunction with the Mirabent Magrans Competition.

The duet formed by the soprano María Martín – runner-up in the 27th Josep Mirabent Magrans Competition – and the pianist Leyre Sáenz de Urturi open the Sitgestiu classical series. They do so on Wednesday 5 July, with a recital that will feature pieces by Schumann, Granados, Mozart, Puccini, Bizet, Guridi, Giménez and Morero Torroba. 

The next concert on Wednesday 12 July is with the Trio Kòrena, who will perform compositions by Khachaturian, Bartok, Schoenfeld, Brotons, Pouleni Arutiunian. The trio, formed in Barcelona in 2020, is made up of the violinist Cristina Parés, the clarinetist David Carmona and the pianist Neus Sánchez and has performed concerts in the crypt of the Sagrada Família, in the churches of Sant Corneli (Collbató) and Sant Gaietà and Santa Eulàlia (Barcelona), at the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi, and at the Auditori Barrades de l’Hospitalet, in addition to different concert cycles.

The third concert will be performed by the Mezzo Quartet on Wednesday 19 July. The quartet is made up of four young saxophonists, born from the Center Superior de Música del Liceu: Gisela Dekort (saxophone), Sofia Craveiro (alto saxophone), Iván Belda (tenor saxophone) and Pol Cabrera (baritone saxophone). 

The last of the four concerts will be on Wednesday 26 July, with singer Guillem Batllori and pianist Elena Kolesnikova. Batllori won the singing category at the 27th Josep Mirabent Magrans Competition, held on 4 June. In this concert they will perform works by Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Debussy, Gounod, Bizet, Verdi, Toldrà and Martínez Valls.

Concertgoers can also enjoy a glass of Cygnus Albireo cava. The price of each concert is 12 euros. Click here to book tickets. In its 25th anniversary, the ‘Sitgestiu’ festival offers over 30 events and activities that mix music, opera, jazz, family workshops, film screenings, sensory experiences, wine tasting dinners as well as many guided heritage and art tours, among others – and with many events also being offered in English.

ALSO READ: Sitges Museums offer over 30 events in their 25th ‘Sitgestiu’ Summer Festival.

ALSO READ: Enjoy the full moon with a guided tour of the Sitges Maricel Museum.

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