27th July 2024

Article 155

Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Six of the jailed Catalan leaders attend Parliament hearing

News Desk
Six of the nine Catalan leaders who were sentenced to jail by the Spanish Supreme Court for their roles in the 2017 Catalan independence referendum,
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Trial of former Catalan police chief, Josep Lluís Trapero, starts

News Desk
The trial of Josep Lluís Trapero, former head of the Catalan police (the Mossos d’Esquadra) starts at Spain’s National Court in Madrid on Monday. Trapero is
Basque Country Opinion Spotlight

Opinion: Will the Basques be next?

Ben Wray
Ask Basques about whether they were shocked by the scale of the police brutality and judicial repression of the Catalan independence movement in recent weeks,
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Pedro Sánchez greeted by ‘Sit and Talk’ protestors in Catalonia

Newsdesk / ACN
Pedro Sánchez was greeted by Catalan pro-independence protestors when he visited Catalonia on Wednesday for a Socialist party (PSOE) pre-election campaign event held in Viladecans,
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Cs and PP party leaders demand firmer action in Catalonia

Newsdesk / ACN
After clashes between Catalan pro-independence protestors with police forces following the Supreme Court verdict sentencing nine Catalan leaders to up to 13 years in prison, Spain’s
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Political parties call for investigation into on-going protests

Newsdesk / ACN
The Catalan wing of the People’s Party (PP) has asked the public prosecutor to launch an investigation into the protests that took place all over
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Catalan Trial verdict: full details of each sentence

Newsdesk / ACN
Below are the details of each verdict and sentence announced by Spain’s Supreme Court for the Catalan political leaders and activists behind the 2017 independence bid. Also
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Catalonia prepares for trial verdict, expected early next week

Newsdesk / ACN
The verdict in the trial of the 2017 Catalan referendum leaders is about to be announced – with some reports claiming it will be out
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Acting PM Pedro Sánchez could suspend Catalonia’s self-rule ‘without a problem’

Newsdesk / ACN
Spain’s acting prime minister Pedro Sánchez has said he could suspend Catalonia’s political autonomy and impose direct rule from Madrid ‘without a problem’ – despite having
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Pedro Sánchez: suspending Catalonia’s self-rule still an option

Newsdesk / ACN
Pedro Sánchez, Spain’s acting prime minister, has insisted that suspending Catalonia‘s self-rule is still on the table. This comes in the wake of the failed