27th July 2024

Andoni Ortuzar

Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

PP’s ties with far-right hamper Feijóo’s attempts to form a government

News Desk
Report updated to include votes from Spaniards living abroad. The options to form a government have diminished considerably for Spain’s right-wing People’s Party (PP) despite
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Pedro Sánchez and Pablo Iglesias set out coalition agreement

News Desk
Spain’s acting prime minister Pedro Sánchez, leader of the Socialist (PSOE) party, and Pablo Iglesias, leader of the Podemos party, presented their coalition agreement on Monday, still hoping
Basque Country Opinion Spotlight

Opinion: Will the Basques be next?

Ben Wray
Ask Basques about whether they were shocked by the scale of the police brutality and judicial repression of the Catalan independence movement in recent weeks,