Filming has started in Sitges on Palomino, a new series produced by Netflix and Sony. Production crews started filming on Monday, and which will take place in and around the town for several weeks. The first locations used have been around the church, the Casa Vidal Quadras in Port Alegre, and ‘La Torreta’ viewing area overlooking San Sebastián beach.
Palomino tells the story of a British teacher in Catalonia who finds herself caught up in a supermarket robbery. When one of the robbers claims to recognise her, her life threatens to unravel. In Palomino, a town of secrets, she must fight to clear her name and protect her family.
The production team behind it, Left Bank Pictures, is the same as the hit series The Crown. It has eight episodes and is directed by Iram Haq.
During this week the crew will also be filming on Passeig de la Ribera, in the Hotel ME, in a house in Can Girona, in the port of Vallcarca and on the road that goes up to Campdàsens. In the last week of May, the team will return to Sitges, where they will shoot further sequences, including some on Carrer Santiago Rusiñol and on the section of the Carretera de les Costes, near the hospital.
Around 100 people are taking part in the filming in Sitges. The team has set up camp in the Aquatic car park and installed staff support catering near La Fragata.
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