The Sitges Town Council’s department of social rights, citizenship and equality is offering a ‘New Citizenship Service’ for newcomers to Sitges, and has produced a new welcome guide.
The guide, written in four languages (Catalan, Spanish, English and French), provides information, guidance and advice on the services, resources and entities of the town, as well as the rights and obligations of people who have arrived.
The local councillor for social rights, citizenship and equality, Júlia Vigó, emphasised the need for ‘migrants to know where they live and what their responsibilities and obligations are, but also to know what resources are available to them, such as public health or basic social services’.
The guide also explains what documents need to be submitted for registration of residency, as well as the steps to follow to access public health, basic social services, the provision of employment and training, schooling or housing.
The guide also highlights the town’s cultural activity, the museums, libraries and the calendar of the main local celebrations. Additionally, it offers information about other municipal services, such as the Youth Centre or the garbage disposal, and social entities such as Caritas and the Red Cross, among others.
The guide also introduces the geographical environment of Sitges, the distribution of its neighbourhoods, as well as its socio-economic and historical situation.
The ‘New Citizenship Service’ guide also gives details for those requiring legal advice and information on residence, work, or civil and labour issues, as well as talks and training courses. You can click here to download a PDF copy of the guide in English or other languages.
You can also make an appointment to discuss Citizens Rights by calling (+34) 93 811 31 80 or emailing: or contacting the office located at Carrer Samuel Barrachina 3.
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