The Covid-19 epidemiological figures in Sitges and Sant Pere de Ribes are far from the high levels of two months ago, but they are still at risk levels. In most cases, however, both Sitges and Ribes remain below the Catalan average.
Last week there were 22 new cases in Sitges and 17 in Sant Pere de Ribes, representing an increase of 1.49 and 1.05 percent respectively. In Catalonia as a whole, it has increased, as in Sitges, by 1.49%. This week’s increase in the town is almost the same as last week’s (1.45%), but below the 2.18 of two months ago.
The risk of infection (incidence rate) was 170 in Sitges on Monday, a figure higher than in previous days, but lower than a week ago. In Sant Pere de Ribes it is at 133 points and in Catalonia as a whole, 201.
The evolution rate (Rt) of the virus is below the recommended 1. It is 1.09 in Sitges and 1.26 in Sant Pere de Ribes, while nationally it is 1.06. The percentage of positive cases in PCR and antigen testing is 4.80 in Sitges and 3.93 in Sant Pere de Ribes (5.15 in Catalonia). It will not be possible to begin measuring the effect of the municipality perimeter opening that began last Monday until the end of this week.

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