Sitges Town Council has published the provisional list of registrations accepted to apply for one of the 70 homes in the third promotion of subsidised ‘social housing’, under its Officially Protected Housing (HPO) scheme. The lists can be consulted at
After a period of objections and consultation that will run until Tuesday 12 September, a definitive list will be published of the beneficiaries of the third promotion of social housing in the town.
This third promotion consists of 4 buildings, with 70 homes, on the corner of Lola Anglada 12-20, and Jacint Picas i Cardó, 4.
Unlike the previous promotions, in this last one there are 10 one-bedroom homes, reserved for single-person households. These 10 homes, at the same time, are divided into different categories: general (4) and for those aged under 35 (6). The rest of the homes, depending on whether they have 2 or 3 bedrooms, are for households with more than one member, and will have a maximum capacity of 6 people.
The homes have an approximate surface area of 40, 67, 74 and 85 m2 (depending on the number of bedrooms), and an approximate monthly rent of between 350 and 683 euros, excluding community costs.
With this third promotion, the local coumncil will have promoted a total of 175 homes in the last five years. The Sitges HPO homes are rented for 7 years, renewable depending on whether the requirements set out in the rules continue to be met.
ALSO READ: Second promotion of Sitges HPO ‘social housing’ now has tenants allocated.
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