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Salvador Illa and Fernando Simón
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Coronavirus in Spain figures (29 May)

Latest: Coronavirus in Spain figures (5 June)

ALSO READ: Lifting of lockdown in Spain – full details of all phases, regions & provinces, plus what is permitted in each phase

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Report below updated in Spain at 18h on Friday 29 May

CORONAVIRUS in SPAIN – latest figures

The latest official figures released by the Spanish Health Ministry on Friday 29 May show that there have now been 27,121 Coronavirus-related deaths in Spain – an increase of 2 in 24 hours and 39 deaths in the past 7 days.

According to the ministry’s figures, eight regions of Spain have not registered any deaths from Coronavirus for the past 7 days. The eight regions are: Andalusia, Asturias, Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Ceuta, Melilla, Navarra and the Basque Country.

Thursday’s figures had shown an overall increase in Spain of 1 death in 24 hours, and 38 deaths in 7 days. Wednesday had also shown an increase of 1 death in 24 hours, and 39 deaths over a 7 day period.

ALSO READ: Spain’s ‘excess mortality’ during Coronavirus pandemic is over 43,000

The official figure released on Friday 29 May for the total number of people who have tested positive for Coronavirus only through a PCR test is 238,564 – an increase of 187 over Thursday, of which 108 cases are in Madrid and Catalonia.

Thursday’s figure for the increase of infections only through PCR testing had been 182 over Wednesday. Wednesday’s figure had been 231 over Tuesday. Tuesday had been 194.

The current peak of recorded infections for a 24-hour period in Spain was on 31 March, when 9,222 new cases were registered (including from PCR and antibody).

A full breakdown in Spanish of the data per region, together with age group statistics can be found by clicking here.

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Salvador Illa and Fernando Simón
Salvador Illa and Fernando Simón during the press conference on 28 May 2020. (Pool Moncloa / Borja Puig de la Bellacasa)

70% of Spanish population to Phase Two

On Thursday evening Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa, and Fernando Simón, director of the Coordination Centre for Health Alerts and Emergencies, announced the regions and provinces that move to a next phase of the de-escalation plan from Monday 1 June.

Salvador Illa stated that from Monday, 70% of the Spanish population will be in Phase Two. Some islands in the Canary Islands and the whole of the Balearic Islands will move to Phase Three.

Illa said that Spain had gone from virus infection rates of above 30% to a figure 30 times lower. However, he called for prudence and responsibility.

‘The risk of potential secondary outbreaks exists, and hence caution is our best ally,’ said Illa. ‘Equally responsible and exemplary conduct as during the lockdown is the best recipe for achieving the goal we seek – to defeat the virus.’

Health Ministry map for 1 June
Health Ministry map for 1 June

The measures established for Phase Two were originally set out in the Boletín Official del Estado (BOE) on 16 May. Last Wednesday, certain aspects of increased flexibility for Phases One and Two were published, responding to the demands made by some regional governments.

To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the updated measures for Phase One that have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here

Here is also a link to a 24-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the main guidelines for Phase One.

To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the updated measures for Phase Two that have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here

Here is also a link to a 29-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the main guidelines for Phase Two.

This Saturday, the BOE will publish all details relating to the measures established for Phase Three.

We’ve published all the key rules and measures regarding the four phases in a separate report, together with full details of the current ‘phase status’ for each region and province. The updated report can be found here: Lifting of lockdown in Spain – full details of all phases for all regions.

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Our previous reports on Coronavirus in Spain:

ALSO READ: Spain’s ‘excess mortality’ during Coronavirus pandemic is over 43,000

ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (28 May)

ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (27 May)

ALSO READ: Barcelona enjoys Phase One, with parts of Catalonia in Phase Two.

ALSO READ: Far-right Vox party organise car protest

ALSO READ: Spanish Congress votes to extend ‘state of alarm’ until 7 June

ALSO READ: Face masks to be compulsory in closed spaces and outside, if not at 2-metre distance

ALSO READ: Spain extends international ban on entry into country until 15 June

ALSO READ: Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from 1 July

ALSO READ: La Liga players back in training

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