27th July 2024

Jordi Puigneró

Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

JxCat party vote to quit Catalan coalition government led by ERC

News Desk
Catalonia has found itself in a situation of political uncertainty again after the Junts per Catalunya (JxCat) party decided to pull out of the pro-independence
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Spain suspends Barcelona airport expansion plans due to lack of support from Catalan government

News Desk
The Spanish government and Aena, the country’s airport authority, have suspended a €1.7 billion investment plan to expand Barcelona El Prat airport, due to lack of
Barcelona News Business Catalonia News Madrid News Main News Travel & Tourism

Barcelona airport expansion plan given go-ahead with €1.7bn investment

News Desk
The Spanish and Catalan governments have reached an agreement to move forward with the expansion of Barcelona airport with a huge €1.7 billion investment plan, aiming to transform
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Catalan president Pere Aragonès promises ‘new era’ for Catalonia

News Desk
Pere Aragonès of the Esquerra Republicana (ERC) party has promised a ‘new era’ for Catalonia, after officially taking office as president on Wednesday to lead a coalition
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No Catalan independence ‘offline or online’, warns Pedro Sánchez

Newsdesk / ACN
There will be no Catalan independence ‘offline or online,’ acting Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, warned on Thursday, ahead of a cabinet meeting to pass
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Torra claims ‘freedom of speech’, rejects yellow ribbons ban

Newsdesk / ACN
Catalan president Quim Torra has announced he will keep yellow ribbons on the façades of public buildings, thus defying orders from Spain’s electoral authority deeming