After Sant Cugat del Vallès and Sant Quirze del Vallès, Sitges is the third Catalan municipality with the highest per capita income. It is also the 13th across the whole of Spain.
The National Statistics Institute recently released data that corresponds to 2020 and which is a study of all municipalities with more than 20,000 inhabitants across Spain.
The average annual net income of the inhabitants of Sitges is 17,323 euros, while that of Sant Cugat is 20,582 and that of Sant Quirze, 18,163.
The Spanish population that tops the ranking is Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) with 28,326, followed at some distance by Boadilla del Monte (also Madrid), with 21,795 and, in third place, by Sant Cugat.
The Catalan towns that follow Sitges are, in order, Castelldefels, Barcelona (city), Vilassar de Mar, Esplugues de Llobregat, El Masnou, Sant Joan Despí and Molins de Rei.

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