Coronavirus figures are on the rise in Sitges, while they continue to fall in Sant Pere de Ribes. Substantial differences exist between both populations: in Sitges, data places the town above the Catalan average – while in Ribes and Roquetes the confirmed cases are standing at a lower and more favourable level.
In the last week, 36 new cases have been registered in Sitges and 12 in Sant Pere de Ribes. That is – for every positive case in Ribes and Las Roquetes – there have been three in Sitges. This is an increase of only 0.73% in Ribes in contrast to the 2.41% rise in Sitges. The average increase in Catalonia stands at 1.86%.
The 36 new cases in Sitges are a notable increase when compared to the previous week’s 22 registered cases. A gathering which took place in a residence between friends last week is known to account for 6 of these positive cases.
Nevertheless, the 36 cases are less than half of the 78 recorded during the last week of January, when the virus was still showing an upward trend as a result of the Christmas holiday period.
The incidence rate has risen in Sitges to almost 300 points in recent days. On the contrary, in Sant Pere de Ribes it remains in and around 100 points – a number which marks the difference between high and moderate levels. This Monday, the risk rate stands at 101 in Ribes – meanwhile, the average in Catalonia is at 242.
The evolution rate (Rt) of Covid-19 is also high in Sitges (1.51) compared to the average registered throughout Catalonia (1.13). In Sant Pere de Ribes it is calculated at 1.18.
Further illustrative data of the evolution of Coronavirus is the percentage of PCR and antigen tests that result as positive. During the last week in Sant Pere de Ribes, only 1.57% of tests resulted positive – a particularly low figure. However, in Sitges the positivity rate is at 6.84% – above the average in Catalonia, which is a rate of 5.50%.
The cumulative incidence rate also reveals differences: 184.91 in Sitges and 85.16 in Sant Pere de Ribes, in comparison to the figure of 112.41 throughout Catalonia.

ALSO READ: ‘El Casal de Pau Casals’ to become Covid-19 vaccination centre
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