27th July 2024
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080 Barcelona launches ‘sustainable fashion’ 24th edition

080 Barcelona Fashion has kicked off its 24th edition on Tuesday at the Hospital de Sant Pau. The summer edition of the fashion celebration and contest promoted by the Catalan government will take place until Friday and will be promoting ‘more designers of sustainable fashion than ever’.

According to Marta Coca, director of 080, the presence of sustainable fashion is ‘a reflection of what is happening in the world of designers and brands’ that ‘increasingly have values ​​of commitment to both society and the environment’.

The fabrics used in this year’s fashion festival are recycled, do not generate waste, and their production does not generate a carbon footprint. The director of the 080 explained that most of the brands involved have ‘quite local productions, coming from the surroundings of Catalonia’ and increasingly use the ‘circular design’ with reusable material.

Among the Catalan brands that will feature on the catwalks, there are some totally sustainable like All Sisters and Sonia Carrasco, who only use recycled materials. In addition, 080 Barcelona Fashion has specifically sought international designers who make the same commitment to sustainability. This is the case of the New York firm, Nicholas K, the Argentine Nous Étudions, and the Moroccan-American Marrakshi Life.

080 Barcelona Fashion
080 Barcelona Fashion kicks off (Photo courtesy 080barcelonafashion.cat)

Other brands have an element related to sustainable fashion such as Agnés Sunyer, Aubergin, or As a fish in the Water. The event also features classic designers such as Antonio Miró, Custo Barcelona, ​​Lebor Gabala, Lola Casademunt, Naulover, Teoh & Lea, and Txell Miras.

‘We bring together all these trends that are already happening,’ Coca reflects on sustainability. In addition, the activities offered in tandem to the event are also focused on the subject of sustainability, as well as on technology. The general director of commerce in the Catalan government, Muntsa Vilalta, stressed that the fashion sector is increasingly focused on sustainability ‘in fabrics, in production and also in marketing’.

Vilalta also pointed out that the 080, as the ‘spearhead’ of the sector, also incorporates technology applied to fashion. Coca added that both sustainability and technology are the ‘future challenges’ of the sector. At the event, technology will be present with the investment forum for start-ups, which will take place on Wednesdays, as well as with a new multimedia space located on the site.

The Catalan business minister, Àngels Chacón, highlighted during the opening of the 24th edition of 080 that the fashion sector represents 7.5% of the GDP of Catalonia, and employs 65,000 people.

Chacón said that it ‘must contribute to the improvement of the competitiveness of the sector’ and ‘establish synergies between the different parts of the value chain, fostering emerging talent, and supporting designers and brands promoting its internationalisation.’

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