27th July 2024

Pope Francis

Blogs Madrid News Opinion

Opinion: three women in Spanish politics – No.2 Isabel Díaz Ayuso: the right profile

Michael Bunn
Self-styled patron saint and saviour of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso seems to have the Midas touch. But how far can she go? In the second
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Spanish Congress backs move for inquiry into child abuse in Catholic Church

News Desk
The Spanish Congress agreed on Tuesday to consider opening an inquiry into child sex abuse within the Catholic Church. Up to now, there has never
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Pope Francis includes Spain as ‘problematic’, calling for dialogue and peace

News Desk
Pope Francis has called for ‘dialogue and peace’ in Spain, including it amongst ‘problematic’ countries – yet without directly mentioning the Catalan political crisis. During an in-flight
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Pope Francis fears of Venezuela ‘bloodbath’

SiE Newsdesk / AFP / Agencies
Venezuela’s self-proclaimed president Juan Guaido has called for two new protests, in an effort to push the military to turn against leader Nicolas Maduro as
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Venezuela’s Maduro rejects call for elections

SiE Newsdesk / AFP / Agencies
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro has rejected a European ultimatum that he call elections as opposition rival Juan Guaido stepped up appeals to the military to
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Jailed Catalan leaders halt hunger strike

SiE Newsdesk / AFP / Agencies
Four jailed Catalan leaders have ended a hunger strike begun more than two weeks ago, their spokesman said Thursday. Jordi Sànchez, former spokesman for the