27th July 2024
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Tsunami Democràtic calls for mass protest in Barcelona on day of El Clásico

The Tsunami Democràtic protest group, already responsible for having previously blocked Barcelona El Prat airport and the AP-7 motorway at the French border, have sent out a communication calling for as many people as possible to come to Barcelona on the day of El Clásico football match between Barça and Real Madrid.

The game will finally be played on Wednesday 18 December – with the kick-off set for 8pm. The match has already been rescheduled from 26 October for security reasons surrounding previous protests in Barcelona, following the Supreme Court sentencing on 14 October of nine Catalan leaders to up to 13 years in prison.

ALSO READ: Catalan Trial verdict: full details of each sentence

Tsunami Democràtic have said they are aware of how much such a huge football match as El Clásico ‘transcends’ the sport, whilst also describing the ‘political moment’ that Catalonia finds itself in as ‘exceptional’.

El Clásico (played at least twice a year) is one of the most viewed sporting events in the world. Whilst the total potential broadcast figure is up to around 650 million people across 185 countries – actual viewing figures of each match itself are estimated at around 100m.

ALSO READ: Spain now investigates ‘Tsunami Democràtic’ for terrorism

‘Tsunami Democràtic are launching a new date for mobilisation on December 18 inviting everybody to save the date and come to the city of Barcelona,’ the group’s statement read.

‘With prisoners, people in exile, without self-determination, nor fullness of fundamental rights, there is no normality. On the 18th, we’re all playing the clásico. This is the force of the people,’ it concluded.

ALSO READ: Police start to clear AP-7, as protestors call to block Basque border route

Tsunami Democràtic are also urging protestors who have tickets to the match to communicate that internally with protest organisers through channels on their application.

The Tsunami Democràtic group of protestors were behind the shut down of Barcelona airport on the day Spain’s Supreme Court released the verdict to the Catalan Trial, jailing nine pro-independence leaders to lengthy prison terms of between 9-13 years.

They also organised the occupation of the AP-7 motorway on and near the border with France for two days after the 10 November general election.

Click here for all articles and updates the Catalan Trial, verdicts and sentencing

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