27th July 2024
Theresa May
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UK Parliament rejects Theresa May’s Brexit deal – again

The UK Parliament has overwhelmingly rejected Prime Minister Theresa May‘s Brexit deal for a second time, just 17 days before it is due to split from the EU.

The House of Commons voted by 391 to 242 to reject the deal, even after May secured further guarantees from Brussels over specific elements.

The move risks unleashing economic chaos, as Britain is scheduled to end ties with the EU after 46 years on 29 March.

May has promised to allow MPs to vote on a ‘no deal’ option on Wednesday and if that is rejected, to decide on Thursday whether to ask the EU to delay Brexit.

‘If this vote is not passed tonight, if this deal is not passed, then Brexit could be lost,’ she said before the vote.

However, eurosceptics believe the deal is so bad that it is worth the risk of leaving with no plan.

‘We must take what now seems to be the more difficult route but in the end the one that preserves our self-respect,’ said former foreign minister Boris Johnson, a favourite to succeed May if she steps down.

‘It is to leave on 29 March as required by law and to become once again an independent country able to make our own choices.’

After MPs first rejected the 585-page Brexit deal in January, May promised changes to the ‘backstop’ plan which is intended to keep open the border with Ireland.

Weeks of talks failed to make a breakthrough, but May made a last-minute trip to Strasbourg to meet EU leaders yesterday.

Theresa May
British Prime Minister Theresa May speaks during a press conference on Brexit at 10 Downing Street on 15 November 2018. (Matt Dunham / Pool / AFP)

She then announced she had secured the promised ‘legally binding changes’ to the backstop, which would keep Britain in the EU’s customs union if and until a new way was found to avoid frontier checks.

But hours later, however, Attorney General Geoffrey Cox said the additions would not completely allay MPs fears of being trapped in the arrangement forever.

It did not take long for Brexit-supporting MPs in May’s Conservative party, and her allies, Northern Ireland’s Democratic Unionist Party (DUP), to declare their opposition.

Opposition Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn also urged parliament to vote down May’s plan.

The backstop is designed to protect the peace process in Northern Ireland, which involved the removal of border checks with EU member Ireland.

Brexit supporters wanted a unilateral way out of it, or a time limit to the arrangement, but the EU said this would make it worthless.

Leaders across Europe have made it clear that this was the best and final offer Britain could expect.

‘There will be no third chance,’ EU Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker said after his talks on Monday with May.

If MPs vote against a ‘no deal’ exit on Wednesday, and want to postpone Brexit, the other 27 EU nations would need to agree.

Their leaders will meet in Brussels for a summit on March 21-22.

But any postponement may have to be short-lived. Juncker on Monday said Brexit ‘should be complete before the European elections’ at the end of May.

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