27th July 2024

Newsdesk / ACN

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Torra claims ‘freedom of speech’, rejects yellow ribbons ban

Newsdesk / ACN
Catalan president Quim Torra has announced he will keep yellow ribbons on the façades of public buildings, thus defying orders from Spain’s electoral authority deeming
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Madrid to take ‘monarchy investigation committee’ to court

Newsdesk / ACN
The Spanish government is to take the Catalan parliament committee formed to investigate the monarchy to the Constitutional Court. The chamber, the seat of which is in Barcelona,
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Barcelona to revoke medal awarded to Franco

Newsdesk / ACN
Barcelona City Council is to revoke a medal awarded to the late dictator Francisco Franco in 1964, that marked 25 years since the victory of
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Sánchez to override court on mortgage tax

Newsdesk / ACN
The Spanish government will put forward legislation so banks, not clients, pay the tax on new mortgages, thus overriding a widely criticised Supreme Court ruling.
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Far-right Vox: 74 years for Catalan leaders

Newsdesk / ACN
The far-right party VOX has requested prison sentences of 74 years for each former Catalan minister on trial for organising a referendum and declaring independence