27th July 2024
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Spain to install CCTV in slaughterhouses

Spanish slaughterhouses will have to install video surveillance to ensure animals are not mistreated before being killed, the government announced on Tuesday, claiming a first in the European Union.

England, Scotland and Israel have already introduced the measure in their abattoirs.

‘This rule puts Spain at the forefront of Europe in this area and, as well as ensuring the welfare of animals during their passage through abattoirs, it also improves food safety guarantees for consumers,’ said Consumer Affairs Minister Alberto Garzón.

The measure was approved at Tuesday’s cabinet meeting and will now be pushed quickly through parliament for approval.

It has already been agreed with the industry, government spokesperson Isabel Rodríguez told a press conference.

‘We will be the first country in the European Union to have a compulsory video surveillance system in abattoirs,’ said the consumer affairs ministry of Pedro Sánchez’s coalition government between the PSOE socialists and left-wing Podemos group.

Under the Spanish rules, abattoirs will be required to retain the video images for later verification by the authorities.

‘Large abattoirs have one year to implement the new standard’ with smaller operations granted two years, the ministry said.

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Elsie Manning 29th August 2022 at 10:06 am

Hi , just to reiterate my earlier mail , I think it’s disgusting and hypocritical to say they are installing
cameras to slaughter houses to Clarify animals are not mistreated before being killed !!! What about the bulls being taunted , mistreated and cruelly slaughtered in the bull rings . I rest my case !

Elsie Manning 29th August 2022 at 10:09 am

I think it’s disgusting and hypocritical to saying cameras are to be installed in slaughter house to prevent mistreatment of the animals.
What about the poor bulls in the ring being mistreated and murderd in a horrible death. I rest my case !!


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