27th July 2024

Manuel Marchena

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Right to defence being undermined, say lawyers

SiE Newsdesk / ACN / Catalan News
Lawyers defending Catalan independence leaders on trial are increasingly protesting decisions by judges at Spain’s Supreme Court, which they argue undermine their clients’ right to
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Catalan Trial: Day 12 summary

SiE Newsdesk / ACN / Catalan News
After Guardia Civil colonel Diego Pérez de los Cobos completed his testimony (which began yesterday afternoon), Montserrat del Toro testified on the 12th day of the Catalan
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Trial focus: Manuel Marchena on a ‘prestige’ tightrope

Diego Urdaneta / AFP
At the helm of the hugely divisive trial of Catalan independence leaders, Supreme Court judge Manuel Marchena is performing a difficult balancing act, alternating firmness
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Catalan Trial: Day 2 summary

SiE Newsdesk / Agencies
On the second day of the Catalan trial, a Spanish public prosecutor today accused Catalan independence leaders of trying to use ‘human shields’ to block
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Trial focus: Spanish judiciary also on defensive

As 12 Catalan independence leaders prepare to go on trial in Madrid, Spain has been forced to defend the independence and impartiality of its courts.
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Spain’s chosen judiciary head backs out

SiE Newsdesk / ACN / Catalan News
Manuel Marchena, the judge chosen to preside over the Spanish judiciary following an agreement between the ruling Socialists (PSOE) and People’s Party (PP), has decided
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Leaked chats hint to ‘control’ of court trial

SiE Newsdesk / ACN / Catalan News
According to leaked chats from Spain’s People’s Party (PP) spokesman in the Spanish Senate, the party could ‘control from the behind the scenes’ the trial prosecuting