27th July 2024

Manuel Marchena

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Pardons for jailed Catalan leaders expected soon, despite fierce opposition

News Desk
With the Spanish coalition government (PSOE–Podemos) led by socialist Pedro Sánchez currently considering granting pardons to the nine jailed pro-independence Catalan leaders, Spain’s right-wing and far-right opposition
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‘International Trial Watch’ platform claims Catalan trial ‘violated human rights’

News Desk
The International Trial Watch platform presented its final report on Thursday in Madrid, regarding the Supreme Court trial and sentencing of the nine Catalan independence leaders, who were jailed
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Catalan Trial: Final Day 52 – defence summaries and defendants’ statements

Newsdesk / ACN
After 52 days of court sessions over 4 months (since 12 February) and 422 witness statements, the Catalan Trial has now concluded until verdicts are announced –
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Catalan Trial: Day 50 – prosecution summaries

Newsdesk / ACN
Spain’s Public Prosecutor called the 2017 Catalan independence push “a coup d’état” during the closing arguments on Tuesday – at the Supreme Court trial of
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Catalan Trial: Day 45 summary

Newsdesk / ACN
The Catalan Trial started its 45th day on Wednesday morning at the Supreme Court in Madrid, with over 400 witnesses already having testified over 3
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Catalan Trial: Day 44 summary

Newsdesk / ACN
Day 44 of the Catalan Trial, the penultimate day of all the witness hearings, was marked by a clash between Supreme Court judge Manuel Marchena and Jordi Cuixart‘s
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Catalan Trial: Day 22 summary

Newsdesk / ACN
A senior Spanish police officer testifying on the 22nd day in the trial of Catalan independence leaders said the protests surrounding raids to disrupt the upcoming referendum
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Catalan Trial: Day 20 summary

SiE Newsdesk / ACN / Catalan News
Day 20 of the trial of Catalan pro-independence leaders accused of organising the 2017 referendum began with 10 more Guardia Civil police officers summoned as