27th July 2024

Felipe Gonzalez

Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Rally against Catalan amnesty, ahead of Feijóo facing ‘doomed’ investiture vote

News Desk
Tens of thousands of supporters of Spain’s current opposition right-wing People’s Party (PP), led by Alberto Núñez Feijóo, rallied in Madrid on Sunday against the possible plans
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Pardons for jailed Catalan leaders expected soon, despite fierce opposition

News Desk
With the Spanish coalition government (PSOE–Podemos) led by socialist Pedro Sánchez currently considering granting pardons to the nine jailed pro-independence Catalan leaders, Spain’s right-wing and far-right opposition
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Calls for national unity on ‘Constitution Day’

News Desk
‘Our democracy is firm and consolidated,’ Spain’s King Felipe VI stated during his address on Thursday to mark the 40th anniversary of the Spanish Constitution.