A woman has been arrested after an incident at a bar in Barcelona, where it is alleged that she attacked the owner in self-defence, slicing his penis off with a knife.
The incident took place on Monday evening in Sant Andreu de la Barca, just outside Barcelona.
Following the attack, the man was rushed to Bellvitge Hospital in l’Hospitalet de Llobregrat. It is not currently known if the man’s penis could be reattached, and he continues to receive treatment.
The man is reported to also have been detained on suspicion of sexual assault, following allegations from the 30 year old woman that he had repeatedly attempted to force himself on her over a number of months when she worked at the bar.
It has also been revealed that the woman contacted the emergency services herself after the assault to explain what had happened.
Speaking about the incident, a spokesperson from the Catalan police (the Mossos d’Esquadra) said that ‘a woman has been arrested for a crime of wounding following an incident around midnight at a bar in Sant Andreu de la Barca’.
No further details have been confirmed and detectives have reportedly opened an investigation into the claims of sexual assault.
Detenen una dona per tallar el penis de l'amo del bar on treballa a Sant Andreu de la Barca. Els @mossos investiguen l'home per un delicte d'agressió sexual. Segons la dona, l'havia obligat en diferents ocasions a mantenir relacions sexuals no consentides | @BoixMaribel pic.twitter.com/MQXoWKNoaZ
— RTVE Notícies (@rtvenoticies) June 1, 2021
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1 comment
Well, he won’t be sexually assaulting anyone else in a hurry…