27th July 2024

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

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UN working group calls for release of four more jailed Catalan politicians

Newsdesk / ACN
The United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (WGAD) has now called for the ‘immediate’ release of four more Catalan politicians, with some having already
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Lawyer seeks ‘motion of censure’ against Spain at UN Human Rights Council

Newsdesk / ACN
Ben Emmerson, the prominent international Human Rights lawyer representing jailed Catalan leaders Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart, has made a formal request to refer
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Cs want obligatory school lessons on ‘Spanish Constitution’

Newsdesk / ACN
The Spanish Constitution should be a new ‘obligatory’ subject in schools, according to the head of Spain’s Cuidadanos (Cs) party, Albert Rivera. ‘We will introduce a
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Torra removes ribbons, criticises violation of civil rights

Newsdesk / ACN
Catalan president Quim Torra has now removed banners and symbols from the government headquarters’ façade deemed as ‘partisan’ by Spain’s electoral authority. Torra took down