27th July 2024

Teresa Ribera

Andalusia News Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Possible hottest first quarter on record for Spain, as drought warnings continue despite recent heavy rain

News Desk
Predictions show that Spain has experienced its warmest first quarter on record since 1961, with January, February and March showing higher temperatures than usual, according
Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Sánchez excludes Podemos MPs from new cabinet, that has more women than men

News Desk
Recently re-elected socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez announced his new Spanish cabinet on Monday, and which excludes any ministerial posts for members of his previous
Andalusia News Barcelona News Catalonia News Madrid News Main News

Spanish government vows to block farming near threatened wetlands

News Desk
The Spanish government has vowed to block a regional plan to legalise farming near one of Europe’s largest and fauna-rich wetlands, where water supplies have