2nd May 2024

City & Town Councils

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Praza Maior 1
Ourense (city)
32005 Ourense

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Plaza de la Constitución s/n

33009 Oviedo

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Plaza Mayor 1
Palencia (city)
34001 Palencia
Castilla y León

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Plaza Consistorial s/n

31001 Pamplona

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Rúa Michelena 30
Pontevedra (city)
36071 Pontevedra

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Plaza Mayor 1
Salamanca (city)
37002 Salamanca
Castilla y León

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Ijentea 1
San Sebastián
20003 Guipúzcoa
Basque Country

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Calle Viera y Clavijo 46
Santa Cruz de Tenerife
38004 Tenerife
Canary Islands

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Plaza del Ayuntamiento s/n

39002 Santander

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Plaza Mayor 1
Segovia (city)
40001 Segovia
Castilla y León

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Plaza Nueva 1
Sevilla (city)
41001 Sevilla

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Plaza Mayor 9
Soria (city)
42071 Soria
Castilla y León