Enrolments in the Catalan courses in Sitges run by the Consorci de la Normalització Lingüística (CNL) have been increasing in recent years, which, despite the pandemic, can be partly explained by the constant arrival of newcomers to the area.
However, the staff who teach the courses warn that more knowledge does not imply more use, especially in towns such as Sitges and Sant Pere de Ribes, where Catalan is ‘not necessary’, strictly speaking, to live there.
Catalan courses suffered with Covid, as the face-to-face format is the most suitable for such a language course, and as a first door of welcome for new arrivals.
The increase in the offer of virtual and online courses has also seen an increase in demand, however. ‘There are many people interested; maybe on the same day that registrations open, there are no more places,’ said Amàlia Huete, technician at the Catalan Service in Les Roquetes.
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