The Passeig Marítim in Sitges was empty of ‘Top Manta’ street vendors last Saturday, unlike what seems to have become the norm, especially during weekends.
The Sitges Local Police carried out ‘preventive action’ during the day, which stopped the street vendors from laying out their blankets full of products to sell.
The operation consisted of the deployment of three police officers patrolling the area where the vendors usually settle, accompanied by a police car and a van. They also closed the perimeter with police tape, to facilitate a control of the area.
The measure was largely successful, with the vendors themselves not trying to access the area when they see the police – although they returned over the next days, when the police were not present.
The local police plan to repeat this operation, although not every day due to a lack of sufficient resources. The police have also called for ‘public awareness’, asking for citizens not to buy products from the illegal trade.

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