As the Covid vaccination programme has progressed, the difference between the percentage of people from Sitges who have been fully vaccinated and that of all residents in Catalonia has become greater. It now reaches almost 6%.
75.57% of the population of Catalonia have already received the full vaccination. In contrast, in Sitges the figure is 69.88%. In Sant Pere de Ribes, it is in between, at 72.25%. At the end of the Spring (15 June), the difference between the percentage of vaccinated Sitgetans and Catalans was 2.5%.
This noticeable difference in the two figures is due to several factors. One of them is the high number of foreigners living in Sitges (almost 30% of the total population). Despite being registered in the municipality, they have been vaccinated in their countries of origin and, therefore, are not always included in the Catalan government’s calculations.
In Sitges there are already more than 300 people who have received the third ‘booster’ dose of the vaccine. They are mostly people resident in all three nursing homes. In Sant Pere de Ribes, 233 people have received a third dose.

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