Classes at the Centre de Formació d’Adults (CFA), the adult learning centre in Sitges, start from 27 September for the new academic year, 2021-2022, including new courses of basic skills and sample or ‘taster courses’ in ICT. These courses have been created to bring adults closer to new technologies in order to reduce the ‘digital divide’. In addition, the offer of cultural ‘taster courses’ has also expanded.
With the expansion of the range of courses, the CFA confirms its commitment to lifelong learning. The centre’s courses cater for many different groups and demands, from young people who have to complete their training to adults who want to acquire new knowledge on various topics.
The CFA starts its course on basic ICT skills at the end of this month, which has arisen from the experience of students who ‘need a bridge course or a preparation course to have tools to develop their learning with more self-confidence’, according to the director of the CFA, Montse Busom.
The CFA’s programme also includes formal courses, language courses, memory workshops and the possibility of attaining accreditation in technology skills by taking the ACTIC tests. All details can be found by clicking here.
Enrolment at the CFA started from 6 September and continues throughout this month. New students can also call on (+34) 93 894 1048.
The new academic year will commence with face-to-face tuition, pending final instructions from the Department of Education of the Catalan government. Montse Busom said: ‘We are conditioned by Covid-19 in terms of the amount of places, because it requires a minimum of distance and we have to respect the maximum numbers allowed. Last year the protocol we applied worked very well for us and, if there are no changes, we will repeat the same formula.’
ICT ‘taster courses’
Part of the new courses for this academic year are the ICT ‘taster courses’ to help reduce the digital divide of adults and offer new techniques, as well as more tools to help improve activity on social networks. The courses include:
• Internet for everyday life
• Move quietly through the web
• How to start a podcast
• Enhance your social network skills
• Music computing / electronic music
• Video editing
Cultural ‘taster courses’ & workshops
The CFA also offers the public the opportunity to expand their knowledge with a variety of cultural workshops, held within the measures and restrictions of Covid. New courses this year include:
• Successful Christmas cooking!
• Mind-and-play
• Creating your personal mandala
• Let’s play! (Practise English through games)
• Sitges 1900 -1940
• Creative jewellery with an essence of Sitges
• Creative jewellery with lost wax technique
• Hollywood 1940-1960: two decades of great cinema
• Self-make-up
• Introduction to painting
• Pieces that make history (archaeological and artistic)
• Fresh cuisine
• Ikebana
In addition to the formal and ‘taster courses’, the CFA also plans to reactivate social activities through the association of Friends of the Sitges Adult Centre, with outings, cultural visits and conferences. The plan is to start them in October.
Enrolment for courses started from 6 September and continues throughout the month. Call to request an appointment: (+34) 93 894 10 48. Start of the 2021-2022 academic year: 27 September. Click here for further information on all education and training in Sitges. All details of CFA courses can be found on by clicking here.

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