Latest: Coronavirus in Spain figures (3 July)
ALSO READ: Spain’s ‘New Normality’ – key points
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Report below updated in Spain at 17.40h on Monday 15 June
CORONAVIRUS in SPAIN – latest Health Ministry figures
The latest official figure* released by the Spanish Health Ministry on Monday 15 June for the number of people who have tested positive for Coronavirus only through a PCR test is now 244,109 – an increase of 40 over Sunday.
Of the 40 new cases, 12 are in Madrid and 17 in Catalonia.
14 regions of Spain have reported one or no increase of infections in the past 24 hours.
Sunday’s figure for the increase of infections only through PCR testing had been 48 over Saturday. Saturday’s comparative figure had been 130 over Friday. Friday had been 155.
The current peak of recorded infections for a 24-hour period in Spain was on 31 March, when 9,222 new cases were registered (including from PCR and antibody).
As for the mortality statistics, the Health Ministry’s figures on Monday 15 June still show a total of 27,136 deaths from Coronavirus in Spain, meaning that there has not been a change for nine consecutive days, since Sunday 7 June. The ministry claims that a ‘validation of the deceased cases is being carried out to correct the historical series, which will then be updated weekly’.
The figures state that there have been 25 deaths in the past 7 days.
Sunday’s figures had shown 26 deaths over 7 days. Saturday had shown 27 deaths over 7 days.
The current peak of recorded deaths related to Coronavirus in a 24-hour period in Spain was on 2 April, when 950 deaths were registered.
A full breakdown in Spanish of the data per region, together with age group statistics can be found by clicking here.
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*Confusion and discrepancies
There has been recent confusion regarding the Coronavirus mortality figures released by Spain’s central Health Ministry, as well as on-going discrepancies with the data released by some of the country’s regional health authorities.
ALSO READ: Spain’s ‘excess mortality’ during Coronavirus pandemic is over 43,000
Spain’s National Statistics Institute (INE) recently published figures showing that the number of deaths for the first 21 weeks of 2020 have been 24% higher than for the same period in 2019 – based on information received from the country’s civil registries (1 January to 24 May). The number of deaths during this period for 2020 is 43,945 higher than in 2019.
The INE report of its latest statistics also states that the week between 30 March and 5 April saw the highest number of deaths in the year, ‘with 20,575 deaths, 154.6% higher than the same week in 2019′. During the week of 18 May – the last week included in the study – an estimated 7,470 people died, which is ‘a similar figure to the 7,429 from the same week in 2019′, the INE stated.
Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa has said that, ‘Spain is following a very strict definition of cases [both for deaths and infections of Coronavirus] in line with international authorities, including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). Anyone who tests positive for Covid-19 and then dies is considered a Coronavirus fatality.’
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Spain open to EU visitors from 21 June
Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has announced that the country will be open to visitors from the EU, with the exception of Portugal, from 21 June. EU travellers arriving in Spain from 21 June will also no longer be required to stay in quarantine for two weeks.
ALSO READ: Spain open to EU visitors from 21 June (except Portugal), quarantine also lifted
On Monday afternoon, the British Embassy in Madrid confirmed that the UK is included in the list of countries to whom border relaxations with Spain will apply from 21 June.
You may have seen the announcement this weekend that
will open its borders with some countries from 21 June. The Spanish government has confirmed to us that the is included within the group of countries to whom these border relaxations will apply. — BritslivinginSpain (@BritsliveSpain) June 15, 2020
German Tourists arrive in Balearic Islands
Although Pedro Sánchez has announced that visitors from EU states can come to Spain from 21 June – the Balearic Islands started to receive tourists from today, as part of a pilot scheme.
Only tourists from Germany are being allowed to visit the Balearic Islands during the pilot scheme, as the country has a similar epidemiological situation of Coronavirus (Covid-19) as Spain.
Full report: German tourists arrive in Balearic Islands, as part of a ‘pilot scheme’
The measures were published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) as part of a programme to open up safe tourist corridors. This programme will allow tourists to arrive in this autonomous region from the Schengen Area states or associated states by specific air routes, ahead of 21 June.
To do this, the Balearic Islands needed to be in Phase Three of the government’s four-phase de-escalation of lockdown plan and have a rate of people infected by Covid-19 of fewer than nine cases per 100,000 inhabitants for seven consecutive days.
Avui reactivam el turisme. A poc a poc. Amb seguretat. Pels que hi som i pels que venen.
— Govern Illes Balears (@goib) June 15, 2020
Lifting of Lockdown phases
From today over 70% of Spain is now in Phase Three of the de-escalation plans – and the region of Galicia has now entered the ‘New Normality’.
We’ve published all the key rules and measures regarding the four phases of the government’s de-escalation plan in a separate report, together with the current ‘phase status’ for each region and province. The fully updated report can be found here: Lifting of lockdown in Spain – full details of all phases for all regions.
To download a full PDF (in Spanish) of all the updated measures for Phase Two that have been published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE), please click here.
Here is also a link to a 29-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the guidelines for Phase Two.
On Saturday 30 May, the Spanish government published in its Boletín Oficial del Estado (BOE) the full details of all the measures for Phase Three.
Here is also a link to a 22-page PDF (in Spanish) from the Spanish Health Ministry, providing all the guidelines for Phase Three.
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Our previous reports on Coronavirus in Spain:
ALSO READ: Spain open to EU visitors from 21 June (except Portugal), quarantine also lifted
ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (14 June)
ALSO READ: Belgian prince fined for breaking quarantine rules in Spain
ALSO READ: Face masks to remain compulsory until vaccine found, under ‘new normality’
ALSO READ: Spain prepares for national and international tourists … but will they come?
ALSO READ: Spanish Congress votes to extend ‘state of alarm’ for final time, until 21 June
ALSO READ: Spain’s ‘excess mortality’ during Coronavirus pandemic is over 43,000
ALSO READ: Far-right Vox party organise car protest
ALSO READ: Face masks to be compulsory in closed spaces and outside, if not at 2-metre distance
ALSO READ: Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from 1 July
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