Latest: Coronavirus in Spain figures (4 June)
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Report below updated in Spain at 20h on Monday 25 May
CORONAVIRUS in SPAIN – today’s figures
The latest official figures released by Spain’s Health Ministry in Madrid on Monday 25 May show that there have been 26,834 Coronavirus-related deaths in Spain.
This figure has been adjusted down by 1,918 of the overall figure reported yesterday, which was 28,752. The adjustment is due to an ‘individualised validation of cases’.
The new figure of 26,834 deaths shows a daily increase of 50 over a previous comparative period.
Sunday’s figures had seen an increase of 70 Coronavirus-related deaths over Saturday. Saturday had been an increase of 48 over Friday. Friday had been 56.
The current peak of recorded deaths related to Coronavirus in a 24-hour period in Spain was on 2 April, when 950 deaths were registered.
Official figures released daily by the Spanish Health Ministry are for the total number of people who have tested positive for Coronavirus only through a PCR test (polymerase chain reaction). That figure for Monday 25 May is 235,400 – an increase of 132 over yesterday.
Sunday’s figure for the increase of infections only through PCR testing had been 246 over Saturday. Saturday’s comparative figure had been 361 over Friday. Friday had been 446.
The current peak of recorded infections for a 24-hour period in Spain was on 31 March, when 9,222 new cases were registered (including from PCR and antibody).
A full breakdown in Spanish of the data per region, together with age group statistics can be found by clicking here.
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Self-quarantine for international tourists to end from July
Spain is to lift the 14-day self-quarantine measures for international arrivals from July, in time for the the full tourist season.
Spain’s Foreign Minister Arancha González tweeted on Monday that, ‘The worst is behind us. In July we will gradually open Spain to international tourists, lift the quarantine [and] ensure the highest standards of health safety. We look forward to welcoming you!’
Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez had already announced on Saturday that tourists should start to prepare for the summer season in Spain.
Spain normally receives over 80m international visitors, with the sector accounting for more than 12% of gross domestic product (GDP).
The worst is behind us. In JULY we will
gradually open to international tourists lift the quarantine ensure the highest standards of health safety We look forward 2 welcoming you!
#safety #security #sustainability @MAECgob @mincoturgob @desdelamoncloa — Arancha González (@AranchaGlezLaya) May 25, 2020
The Spanish Congress voted during last week to extend the ‘state of alarm’ in the country until Saturday 7 June.
It was the fifth time it has been extended – and it is officially set to remain in place as Spain also continues to lift lockdown restrictions with its four-phase de-escalation plan.
Phase Two has started (and Phase One for Madrid and Barcelona)
From today, Monday 25 May, many areas of Spain have moved to Phase Two of the government’s de-escalation plan to lift lockdown restrictions. The Madrid region, the city of Barcelona (and metropolitan areas), as well as the entire region of Castilla y León, have also moved to Phase One from today.
Residents in both Madrid and Barcelona can now meet in groups of up to 10 people in their homes or on the terraces of bars and restaurants.
The rest of Spain – approximately 22m people out of the 47m population — has moved to Phase Two.
In many areas of Andalusia, as well as on the Balearic and Canary Islands, beaches are now also open for swimming, subject to safety measures.
The Spanish Health Ministry has recommended limiting the number of visitors to the beaches, creating boundaries, as well as spacing sun umbrellas four metres apart.
Travel between regions is still forbidden.
We have published all the key rules and measures regarding the four phases in a separate report, together with full details of the current ‘phase status’ for each region and province. The report can be found here: Lifting of lockdown in Spain – full details of all phases for all regions.
Face masks compulsory from Thursday
It became compulsory from last Thursday to wear face masks in Spain in closed spaces (including shops and stores), as well as on the street and in public places, if a 2-metre ‘social distance’ cannot be maintained.
For full details of the new measures and the exceptions allowed in wearing a face mask, please read our report here: Face masks compulsory in close space and outside if not at as 2-metre social distance.
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Our previous reports on Coronavirus in Spain:
ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (24 May)
ALSO READ: Far-right Vox party organise car protest
ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain full update (23 May)
ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (22 May)
ALSO READ: Spanish Congress votes to extend ‘state of alarm’ until 7 June
ALSO READ: Face masks to be compulsory in closed spaces and outside, if not at 2-metre distance
ALSO READ: Coronavirus in Spain figures (21 May)
ALSO READ: Spain extends international ban on entry into country until 15 June
ALSO READ: Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from 1 July
ALSO READ: La Liga players back in training, with games to possibly restart on 20 June
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