Spain in English

Catalan Parliament response to upcoming verdict: amnesty and self-determination

The Catalan Parliament has voted on seeking an amnesty and exercising the right to self-determination in response to the upcoming potential guilty verdict for the Catalan leaders behind the 2017 independence referendum.

The majority of lawmakers in the chamber passed a motion asking for ‘an agreement for self-determination, amnesty and political and civil rights.’

The motion was approved by the three pro-independence groups in Parliament, Junts per Catalunya (JxCat), the Esquerra Republicana (ERC) party and the CUP.

Catalan parliament session on 25 September 2019 (Gerard Artigas / ACN)

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The same groups also passed another motion accepting ‘the legitimacy of civil and institutional disobedience as a means to defend the civil, political and social rights that can be violated.’

These parties’ MPs also passed another text requesting that the Guardia Civil police, in charge of Monday’s arrests leading to the precautionary detention of seven people on terrorism charges, be removed from Catalonia.

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